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This is the twenty-third and final chapter!!! I hope you enjoyed the story!

I don't own Garth, Lily, and, in a way, Jeff Wagner.

A few days later, Japan...

Japan. Land of the rising sun. And currently, the location of where the wedding was taking place. It was held in a beautiful park with lush trees, behind a Torii (a Japanese gate) by a lake. Nice Janpanese music played. Garth (wearing a white suit and red tie) was with the group (Ben in a grey suit, Johnny and Reed in black suits and Sue in a white Kimono, Japanese traditional clothing), the same reverend from the previous wedding, Frankie the aide (in a black dress) and Jeff Wagner (in a brown suit) were also there. And, of course, Lily (in a sky blue and white Kimono) and Alicia (in a white Kimono with flowers on the front) were there as well. Lily had no bother at all about flying all the way over to Japan. After all, she ad always wanted to go there. Garth had vowed to take what the Silver Surfur said to Reed to his heart, and treasure every moment with Lily, as he stood on her left, the two of them besides the Japanese guests on Sue's left. Gof, if his parent could see him now, they'd be proud.

The wedding then began, as Reed and Sue stood next to each other in front of the reverend. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join Reed Richards and Sue Storm together in holy... matri...mony." The revered announced, pausing in his sentence as Reed's PDA began beeping mid sentence, so he took it out. "What is it?" Sue asked/whispered to him, looking at Reed, Garth listening in. "Venice is sinking into the Adriatic." Reed explained, Garth only slightly widened his eyes as he and Lily turned their heads and looked at each other. "Yeah. They might need us." Garth thought in his head. "Oh, boy. That's a biggie." He heard Ben mutter. "Could we just skip to the end?" Sue asked the reverend. "Yeah. Uh... the love these two share..." The reverend began saying before Reed interrupted. "No, the very end." He said. "Yeah, great. Uh, you have the rings?" The reverend asked. "Oh!" Ben the spoke out as he held out his right hand towards Reed, who turned around on the stop to face a ben and hold out his hand, Sue doing the same. Then they placed the rings on each other's fingers and then faced each other, then faced the reverend, as if he'd forgotten. "Oh, yeah. I now pronounce you man and wife, and you may kiss the bride." The reverend then said rather quickly, and when he finished, Sue and Reed then kissed each other. Garth smiled happily as they finally did it, after so many tries. After a few seconds, they moved away, then stared at each other again. "Okay. We should get out of here." Sue spoke, gesturing to her right, away from the Torii. "Yeah." Reed agreed without hesitation. Garth then turned his head rightwards to face Lily, who looked leftwards at him. "Sorry, dear." He spoke to her with a smile as Lily chuckled. "Don't be." She replied with a smile. "I never would have gotten this far without you." Garth added before he kissed her on the lips, she kissed back, then let go after a second. "Go get 'em." She said with a nod, before Garth started walking away, going past her. "I love you." He heard Lily say quietly to him. He slowed down his walking and turned his upper body and head rightwards to face her. "I love you too." He said quietly back, looking at her beautiful face and white hair and the way she smiled, before he turned around and continued walking away. As he went past Jeff Wagner, he gave Garth a pat on the back, to which he looked at him and nodded at thanks at him.

A minute later, the group was at the reconnected vehicle, Ben in the back, Johnny at the front, Garth standing at the back, writing with his left hand in black felt-tip the words "Just married!" on part of the back. He knew it'll most likely wash off from wind or water or moisture, but he couldn't resist. He stopped writing as Reed and Sue came up to them, so he turned around and threw the felt-tip pen to the nearest guest standing nearby, before he went round to the right hand side of the vehicle and stopped in the centre part where his seat was as he looked across and saw the newlyweds stop just before the vehicle. "I have to throw the bouquet." He heard Sue say, to which Garth rolled his eyes with a grin. "Of course she has to." Garth thought in his head as Sue turned around and faced Frankie and some Japanses women. "Ready?" He heard Sue ask them, and they giggled in response. Sue, after looking a Red with a giggle, turned around and threw the bouquet up in the air, Garth couldn't resist helping to watch to fly towards the women, hid attention on it so much he barely registered something Ben said. Then he saw the bouquet was suddenly hit by a bit of fire and fell to the ground with the charred sticks being all that's left. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped open in shock as he turned his head rightwards to face Johnny. "Sorry. Reflex" Johnny spoke. And after that, they all got ready to fly and got in.

The vehicle then took off, Garth holding onto his seatbelt straps  as they flew to the other side of the lake, the guests waving at them, and then flew up into the sky. Then it started letting out a bit of steam at the end, then it separated into three, the end bit letting out flames as the other two flew in separate directions, the first one letting out steam as it flew in a straight line then doing a shorter line downwards, the middle bit flying and letting out in a half circle, before joining the other one as it began to fly away, while the last one, the one giving out flames, flew around the symbol, making a circle around the shape, which on the ground, was a percent 5 surrounded by a circle, and once completed, it flew after the other two towards Europe, Italy, and then Venice, to help the people there, and in turn, help the world.

What happens when you take 6 feet of stone, one pinch of flame, a cup of invisibility, a bag full of rubber and brains, and a wheelbarrow full of healing? Answer: A Team.


ANNNNDDDDDD... that's it, folks! The story is over! All my hard work has paid off! I hope you enjoyed this great story! I'm glad you read it enjoyed and liked my character, Garth, and his role in this story. For those who wonder, I have no plans to write a sequel to this story, and I'm not sure when I'll write another chapter, as I have Supported Insternship (in the U.K) coming up in September, so I'll be busy. To those who have vote and appreciated this story, I am grateful for your appreciation, and votes, and it has been an honour writing this story for you. Goodbye. The end.

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