Pub talk

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This is the eighteenth chapter. Hope you enjoy it. I don't own any characters expect Lily, Garth, and (in a way) Jeff Wagner. For those readers outside the U.K., a pub is what you call a bar, but with a little bit of a restaurant atmosphere, I think.

While the four scientists (Reed, Sue, Victor, and Wagner) were working, Garth (wearing a red and white striped collared shirt and black trousers), Ben, and Johnny went out to a pub. Ben and Garth sat down at a table with their drinks/Beers while Johnny was doing darts in front of them. Garth was still trying to get over the fact that his ex employer, whom they had defeated and frozen solid in metal, was now back, and was now working with them, after what he did! "How can we be working on the same side as Victor?" Johnny asked them. "You got me, pal. Things were a lot simpler when I could just whale on the guy." Ben replied, holding up his drink, while Garth (his drink (a pint) on the table, his right hand holding it) shrugged. He then saw a bit of flame appear in Johnny's right hand as he fired his next dart, which made his eyes widen. The impact cause a noticeable fire on the dark board. Luckily, Johnny reacted quickly, by running up to the board, grabbing a glass and pouring  its contents onto the board, putting out the flame. Garth looked around (then behind his shoulder) to see that most of the people in the pub were staring at him. "I'll pay for that." Johnny spoke at who was probably the bartender. "I gotta tell you guys, I'm staring to feel like a complete screw up." Johnny admitted, taking the darts on the dark board off. "Hey, hey, your not a complete screw up." Ben said back. "Thank you." Johnny replied sarcastically. "You just need to be extra careful now, especially in public." Garth added, as he lifted his glass up and took a sip of his pint of Beer, while Johnny started firing darts again. "Look, kid. It's out of our head. It's up to the eggheads now." Ben added. "You think Reeds right, about the whole end-of-the-world-thing?" Johnny asked, turning his head leftwards to look at them. Garth's face then turned to an uneasy look. "He's never been wrong about this kind of thing before." Ben said, Garth thinking Ben had struggled to find an answer. "I admit, it does scare me, that everything we know, and love, could be destroyed in the next few days." Garth said honestly, taking his right hand off his drink, as Johnny sat down in the chair in front of Ben. "You know, I'm not exactly a deep kind of guy." Johnny said. "Really?" Ben asked, surprised, while Garth just stared. 

Johnny then leaned forwards, looking down at the table. "If Reeds right, and this is it... how do you want to spend your last few minutes?" Johnny asked, breaking out the big guns. Garth then blinked. "Part of me would like to go out fighting. But the truth is... I'd like to spend my last couple of minute holding Alicia." Ben answered. "Yeah, me too. Being around Lily." Garth answered with a shrug. Johnny nodded and leaned back in his chair. "That sounds pretty good. I mean, not the "holding Alicia", "around Lily" thing. That's, you know...  your girlfriends, not mine." Johnny spoke, Garth narrowing his eyes and tensed up a little from what he said. Want nothing to do with them. Not to say that they're not attractive. Thier very attractive. I mean, they're, you know, Heh, so very attractive." Johnny added, adding a chuckle in the last sentence, but Garth didnt like this one bit. "Even with the, you knows," Johnny then pointed his fingers at his eyes and they pointed at his hair. That was already enough for Garth. "I can't even think of a pair of guys that wouldn't want to..." Johnny  stopped abruptly when Ben slammed his left fisted hand on that table, making a loud noice, while at the same time Garth clenched his hands into firsts and slammed them down parallel onto the table, resulting in a loud BANG! followed by the sound of rolling Beer bottles. And then for a moment, silence. "What I meant was... was that its just nice to have somebody." Johnny finished calmly. Hearing that, a lot of steam got out of Garth. He mentally told himself that Johnny (even thought he sort of offended Alicia's blindness, and kind of bad mouthed Lily's white hair) was right, it was indeed nice to have somebody, a girlfriend, someone he loved, like Lily. If he didn't have her, his life would probably be dull and unhappy, even with the team. So, as Ben had said the other day, he was  indeed lucky. Then he calmed down, as he turned his head leftwards a bit to see Ben, face. "Well, you got us, pal." He said as he lifted up his glass at Johnny. Garth then lifted up his drink, looking at Johnny, who lifted his bottle, the three of them clinking thier glasses and then drank a sip.

Later, Reed told Garth and the others that they had perfected the right machinery to capture to Silver Surfur's, by using several desvices, that together when activated, would create a field that could separate him from his board. They then headed to the Black Forest, in Germany, where another crater had been formed, and there was absolutely no doubt among them that the Surfur was there.

And that's the eighteenth chapter done! Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it was a short one. And for those who don't know, I pint, common in British pubs, and Beer, is two things: One; a measurement of volume or capacity, one eighth of an Imperial/American gallon, and 20% larger due to measurement systems. Two; a Pint Glass, which is simply a glass used for Pints, typically used to serve Beer. If you want to know/understand more, look online. Honestly, I'm not 100% familiar with the Metric and Imperial systems, besides the very basics, and I do mainly my measuring in feet and miles per hour (MPH). Not sure when next chapter will be out, so wait and see.

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