Breaking the Rules (Louis)

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“Oh crap mom, I have to go! Bye, love you!” You threw the phone on your bed and ran into your closet trying to find an outfit. After seeing that it was almost 4:30, you remembered that your boyfriend invited you to church with him and he would be there to pick you up at 5:00. You hastily selected a purple ruffled blouse and a tight black pencil skirt and slipped them on.

                “Shoot shoot shoot,” you thought to yourself, “why do I always forget about church?!” You’d been dating your boyfriend Louis Tomlinson for over a year now, and every week you guys go to church together. Before being in a relationship with him, you were never one to care about religion. But to Louis and his family it was very important, so you got into it and now you couldn’t be happier!

                Skipping to the bathroom, you turn on your curling iron and start to do your makeup. After applying a nice smoky eye with some mascara, foundation, and a nude lipgloss, you quickly gave yourself loose curls here and there. Since your hair was naturally wavy it didn’t take long. *Bzz bzzz bzzz* You picked your phone up off the counter and saw a new text from Louis. “Hi Y/N, I’ll be by in 7 minutes to get you for church. xx” This was perfect timing, as you spritzed yourself with perfume and did one last double-take in the mirror. You hopped down the stairs, threw on some black pumps, and grabbed a bottle of water. After that, you went outside and sat on the porch waiting for Louis.

                *Honk honk* “Hop in babe!” You smiled and strutted over to Louis’ car. You opened the door and sat down while smoothing your skirt out. You saw your gorgeous boyfriend sitting behind the steering wheel in black slacks and a white button-up shirt that made him look tanner than ever. His hair was perfectly messy, his pink lips were curved up in a smile, revealing his white teeth, and his beautiful blue eyes were gleaming.

                “Hi Lou baby” you smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. You felt him smile into it as he ran his fingers through your hair.

                “How did I end up with someone as beautiful as you?” he gushed back at you while kissing your forehead. You just blushed and gave him a playful shrug while saying, “Would you get on with it? We’re gonna be late to church!” He backed out of the driveway and within 10 minutes you were parked and walking into church.

                Louis opened the door to the church for you and you walked in first. He trailed close behind while gently holding your hand, your fingers perfectly and comfortable intertwined. You were both looking for the rest of the Tomlinson family, who always attended church together. “Y/N, Louis, we’re over here loves!” You heard the unmistakable voice of Jay Tomlinson and looked over to see her accompanied by Mark, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe Tomlinson. You let go of Louis’ hand and hurried down the row of seats to give each one of them a hug and kiss on the cheek.

                “Hi darling, how have you been?” Jay asks you.

                “Great!” You reply, “How have you been?”

                “Hanging in there,” she smiled and you squeeze her hand and give her another hug. You loved Louis’ family almost as much as you loved Louis. You felt like a part of it, and you loved that so much. You walked back down to the end of the row and sat in between Fizzy and Louis.

                “Thanks for always coming to church with me Y/N, it means so much to me that you take interest in your faith as well,” Louis whispered while lightly kissing your cheek. You smiled and snuggled your head into the nook of his neck.

                After an hour mass, you filed out of the church and back to the car with Louis. “Are you doing anything today or can you come back to my flat for a movie?”

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