Sex on Fire (Harry)

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Lay where you're laying, don't make a sound

I know they're watching, they're watching

All the commotion, the kiddie like play

Has people talking, talking

A weekend away; time spent to ourselves. No hotels, no people, no phones. Just us; two teenagers mad about each other who rarely get to spend time without being watched by millions. My fingers clench around the black leather of the steering wheel as I think about it; the way I'm unable to care for my girl as I should.

She deserves to be loved every second of everyday but I can't give that to her. But then again, I'm too selfish to give her up. Autumn is too perfect to let go; the very thought of her leaving sending my stomach into nervous flutters.

She's asleep in the car next to me, her body unable to stay awake even before we left London. It was my fault, probably, keeping her up until obscene hours of the night. I calm myself by reaching to clutch her hand in mine, feeling her warm palm against mine.

She smiles softly as she turns more on her side, her cheek pressed against the chilled glass of the car window. Her lips fix into a pout as she swallows in her sleep, a sigh leaving her sweet mouth as she settles back into her slumber. I almost want to wake her up; want to be able to spend every second possible with her since I'm not sure when we'll be able to do this again. But she looks so calm, so perfect that I refrain, turning my attention back to the deserted midnight highway.

It's hard to be 1/5th of the world's biggest boy band. No matter how many perks come with the job and no matter how much I love it, life is difficult. Autumn and I can barely go into public anymore without being bombarded by fans and or paparazzi. It'll be nice to sneak away, tucked into a cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

Hot as a fever, rattling bones

I could just taste it, taste it

If it's not forever, if it's just tonight

Oh, it's still the greatest, the greatest, the greatest

The gravel crunches under the expensive tires of my car as I turn off the paved road. It's pitch black around us and I'm almost frightened, being away from civilization. But I know it's worth it when I look over and Autumn's staring out the window; her fingertips leaving prints against the glass. "We're here," I mumble just the headlights illuminate the white cottage and I hear my girl gasp from her seat.

"It's beautiful," she croons, turning to me and smiling, her green eyes bright and on fire; the sleep now gone. My heart flutters as I look over her, my lips turning into a smirk at her excitement. "And we're here for the next three days?"

"Yes, baby," I tell her, putting the car into park. I turn to face her, taking in her features, her bright pink cheeks, her slightly flat hair on one side. My heart beats harder as I look at her, my throat clenching tightly. "Three whole days." I absent mindedly stroke her cheek with my thumb, taking my time as she leans into my touch, her skin tingeing pink. "For the next seventy-two hours, you're mine."

And it's then when I see desire flash through her eyes, her slim fingers wrapping around my wrist. Sweat begins to pool at the nape of my neck, my mouth instantly becoming dry as I watch her pulse quicken under the skin of her neck. I can almost feel her around me as she looks me up and down. Even though I've just had her last night, I need her again, the feeling swimming through my veins quickly. Autumn blinks rapidly as she leads my fingers to her lips, kissing the callused skin one at a time. "And so what are you waiting for?"

Those words are all I need to hear before something inside me snaps. I can hardly contain myself as I feel my lust spreading through every inch of my system before I pull her over the center console of the car. Autumn rests her knees on either side of my hips; it's a tight fit but it doesn't matter as I rest my hands on the small of her back, pulling her closer to me. I harden almost instantly as she settles over me, her warmth spreading through the denim of my jeans.

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