Cheaters (Part 2) (Harry)

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Avery was gone, and I knew that for sure. I also knew it was my fault. I had thrown away the last two years of our life and there wasn't anything I could do. Life went on, of course, but it was hard. It was difficult to record the album, rough to be on talk shows; I too weak to give a good show although I tried my best.

After a month and a half of moping, the boys finally convince me to come over to Liam's flat to hang out. Supposedly everyone's gotten there at 9:00 and it's almost 10:30. I almost doubt that it's even worth going now. Eventually, I manage to drag myself off the couch and into the car.

It's a short drive to Liam's and when I arrive, and I let myself in. I can hear the girls giggling in the kitchen. Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam are all in the living room playing a game of FIFA.

"Look who decided to pop in!" Louis says loudly, not taking his eyes from the screen.

"Yeah," I reply, plopping down beside Niall.

"How are you, mate?" Liam asks, cursing as he misses a goal.

"Shit. I need a drink."

"In the kitchen," Niall says, tipping his head toward the room.

I walk to the kitchen, Danielle and Eleanor looking at something on the computer, talking quietly and laughing before they realize I'm standing behind them. "Hi, Harry," Danielle says before shutting her laptop quickly. Eleanor clears her throat. "Can I get you something?

"Just a beer, thanks. What were you looking at?"

"Nothing," Danielle replies, hopping up onto the counter. "How have you been? It's been a long time since we've seen you."

I reach beside her, lifting the screen of the computer. It instantly turns back on, open to Avery's new Facebook. She created it after we broke up, but she literally has the toughest privacy settings I've ever seen.

"Harry," Eleanor calls. "Here's your beer. Come on, let's go watch a film with the rest of the guys." It's too late, though, I've already started going through the new pictures.

Avery's gone on vacation with some guy. He looks strangely familiar as I click through the album. My stomach churns as I see him holding her on the beach, him kissing her cheek, one of her dunking him in the clear blue sea. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"We thought you might know by now, honestly."

"We didn't want to upset you," Eleanor chimes in, placing her hand on my back. I shrug her off, backing up.

"Who is he?"

"Uh, his name is Alex."

"How long have they been together?"

"Not too long," Danielle replies quietly.

"Wait a second. Is that Alex James from her university? That dick she always complained about?"

"Erm," Eleanor is silent.

"Tell me, El."


"Fuck," I yell, throwing my beer onto the floor without thinking about it. The girls jump back, exchanging glances. The rest of the boys come running into the kitchen.

"What's happened?" Liam asks, his voice slightly raised, looking from me to the girls.

"You know how clumsy Harry is; I handed him his drink and he dropped it." I go to the counter for some papertowels, kneeling down to clean up the mess.

Niall laughs, breaking the tension. "Haven't changed, Styles."

I leave soon after, going home to have my own pity party. I drink myself into oblivion, strolling around my house until I find my phone. I dial the only number I have memorized anymore, the first time going to voicemail. I get impatient and call again, the receiver finally picking up.

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