Punishing Your Hunger (Touchdown Part 5) (Niall)

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Slowely, my eyes fluttered open as I took in the scent of unfamiliar sheets and cologne. I wasn’t in my own bed and I wasn’t in my own room. Both were Niall’s, but he wasn’t in bed with me. I was alone. I turned on my other side and caught Niall, already dressed, sitting in a chair only a few feet away with my phone in his hands. “Hey,” I said, my voice still hoarse from sleeping. His head jerked up from the screen when he noticed me and he put my phone aside. “Hey,” he smiled, “Look who’s awake. How’d you sleep?” I ignored his question and sat up straight, clutching the duvet to my chest. “What are you doing with my phone?” Niall got up from the chair and sat down next to me, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear and handing me my phone. “I texted your mum that you’re with a  friend so she won’t be worried.” I checked if he was actually speaking the truth and read the text he’d sent:

I’m with a friend of mine, so don’t worry when I’m a little late. –Y/N

Okay, so he wasn’t lying. I checked the time, which said 5:37 and I figured I should go home. How much I’d wanted to stay and hang out with Niall, I knew that my mum would get suspicious if I stayed for that long with a friend without even calling.

“Niall, would you mind driving me home?” He licked his lips and studied my face, hesitating for a second. I wasn’t quite sure if he was hesitating because he’d wanted me to stay or if he didn’t feel like putting effort in bringing me home. I was hoping on the first. “Sure. Not a problem, love.” I climbed out of bed and picked up my clothes, getting dressed while Niall watched me. When I slipped into my panties, I notciced from the corner of my eye that Niall’s gaze was intently focused on my body. It was so strange, like he had never seen a naked woman before. “Niall, can you help me?” My hands held my bra in place when Niall hooked it for me like an expert. His fingers stroked down my back and I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck when he wrapped one of his strong arms tightly around my waist.

He wanted me. Again. I knew he couldn’t get enough of me like I couldn’t get enough of him, but I really had to go home. I slipped into the rest of my clothes and faced Niall, looking into his eyes that were now the colour of ice and looked somewhat confused and disappointed. Instinctively, his hands were placed on my hips and mine were around his neck when he leaned down to kiss me. “Let’s go,” he whispered against my slightly parted mouth. We walked down the stairs and waved his mum goodbye, who was keen on seeing me again and told me I was welcome anytime.

“She’s so sweet,” I said to Niall when I climbed into his shiny Maserati. “Yeah,” he answered, “She’s amazing, I love her.” I gave him a look. Well that was a surprise…

“What? What is it?”

“Nothing,” I smirked, “I just never thought I’d hear the word ‘love’ come out of your mouth, let alone you knowing the definition of it.” He scoffed because of my insult and I immediately regretted what I had said. He might be a little reckless, but that really wasn’t a rational reason to offend him this way. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—” I started, but he cut me off. “Just forget it.” Except for his ‘uhus’ and ‘mhms’, Niall wouldn’t talk to me the whole car ride. The only noise that was audible, was the radio that was on. The car came to a stop on the corner of my street and Niall faced away from me, looking out the window and I guessed he just wanted me to leave. “Look,” I sighed. He turned his head and eyed me up and down. I couldn’t help but get hot. Niall looked so sexy like that. His dirty blonde manes, that are normally up in the perfect quiff, fell messily to his forehead and blew in the light summer breeze. His arm hung out of the window and the sunset gave his body a golden silhoutte and made his eyes look bigger and brighter than usual. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I really didn’t mean it like that. You’re probably mad at me, but I really am sorry, Niall.” He sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah whatever. It’s fine, I guess. It’s just that people sometimes forget that I have feelings too. I might not show them all the time, but when others act like I don’t have a heart or whatever kind of shit, it pisses me off. Like, they want me to take into account that insults get to them, but no one ever thinks about how I would feel when I get abused or offended.” His point hit me. Hard. “However, since school has this meeting shit tomorrow, I was wondering if you’d like to go to a party with me tonight. It’s just outta town, so we won’t see anyone from school.”

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