𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

341 13 4

10 : 33 p m
s u n d a y
"your friends back home seem upset." gia said as we all sat in a booth. i shrugged, "they can have fun but as soon as i go and have fun, it's a problem. they just jealous." i rolled my eyes as i drank my drink. "yeah, they seem like some buzzkills." elena nudged gia and gia nodded, agreeing.

"oh they are." i assured them. armin was in a conversation with gio, they were talking about something that didn't interest us. we were waiting for onyankopon and niccolo to show up, they were taking forever. "we looked good in our picture doh." gia smirked, fist bumping elena before fist bumping me.

"ayooooo!" gio turned his attention from armin to the two who walked in. "finally! nigga, what took you so long?!" i turned towards him, sliding out the booth to hug him. "dakota! sorry, niccolo was trynna dress up all fancy for no reason."

"brooo, you ain't have to expose me like that." niccolo rolled his eyes, hitting pon pon on the shoulder. "who's this?" he pointed to me and i smiled and held my hand out. "dakota smith, armin back there, is my boyfriend."

"aww no fair, armin, bro! you did good!" he shouted behind me and shook my hand. i saw armin's face turn red and i laughed. "y'all get drinks yet?" pon pon asked and i shook my head, "no, we were waiting for y'all. we only got like waters and sodas." i slid back into the booth next to armin who wrapped his arm around me.

"bet, what y'all want, it's on me!" niccolo said and i rose an eyebrow. "okay, niccolo, you out here ballin like that?" i covered my mouth for dramatic effect. "of course, of course. now what y'all want."

we went around the table to say our orders and after that, i grabbed armin's hand so that we could go dance. "dancing? really?" he asked and i nodded. "consider this a make up from new years." i kissed him before dragging him to the dance floor.

don't tell em came on and armin knew that this was my song. i would drop ass with this song. i turned around and rubbed my ass along armin's lower half, his arm coming to wrap around my waist.

rhythm is a dancer, i need a companion

girl i guess that must be you

body like the summer, fuckin' like no other

i felt armin mouth at my neck as i grinded against his crotch, my arm reaching up to hold him against me. i sang the words to the song and continued to dance along with armin, occasionally getting down to pop some ass.

i started throwing is back at armin, hoping he would catch it and rock with me. thankfully he did and held my waist as i twerked on him. i stood back up and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling his boner on my thigh.

"are you hard, min?" i giggled and armin hid his face in my neck. "you're a tease." he said into my ear. "tease? me, no never." i kissed his cheek. after a couple more songs of dancing, i pulled him back to the booth where gio, niccolo and onyankopon were left. "the girls decided to dip and dance?" i asked, sliding back into the booth.

"yeah," gio slid my drink towards me and i took a sip. "i saw y'all getting it on on the dance floor!" niccolo smirked at armin and i. "armin, you good?" gio questioned and i looked over at him. he had his head down but quickly looked up. "y-yeah...i'm fine." he stuttered. "okayyyy."

i leaned over and whispered in his ear, "go to the bathroom, i'll meet you there." he nodded before getting up. i turned back to the three boys, onyankopon catching my eye. "i can't believe you got back with him." he shook his head disappointed. "pon pon, don't do that...he made up for his mistake. he's not the same guy." i tried to change his mind.

"whoa, what happened?" gio leaned in and i gave onyankopon a look. "don't...it happened so long ago that we don't need to bring it up." i shook my head. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom," i announced, taking a long gulp of my drink before leaving.

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