𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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L O C A T I O N : the penthouse 

m o n d a y 

2 : 3 0 p m

"thanks zeke, i'll see you at court soon." i hung up and i blew out a breath. "see? that wasn't so bad." armin bent down to kiss my cheek. i groaned. "that was boring and annoying all at the same time." i sighed. niccolo left a while ago for his job after the he did his part during the call. i was almost done with this stupid shit. almost done.

"i know my love but it's almost over." he said and i nodded, laying back onto the couch. "what's on the agenda for today?" he sat down next to me and brought my feet onto his lap. i shrugged, "i really don't know." i answered and picked up my phone. i had a miss call from jasmine. "shit!" i sat up and armin jumped. "what?" he asked and i showed him my phone. "jasmine called." i faced palmed. the first time she has called in like weeks and i miss it.

"call her back!"

i clicked on the notification and held the phone up to my ear. i hadn't talked to jasmine since i was on vacation. not to mention, i had a fucking bone to pick with her due to the fact that she told my boyfriend a whole bunch of shit to get him to stop seeing me. things never change with her. (chapter thirty eight)

it rang for a few moments before she finally answered. "hello?"

"hi jasmine. you called?"

"and you missed it like most things."

irritation immediately pricked at my ears, my body tensing and i was about to get defensive but armin gave me a look. a look that said, 'she just had a baby and i need to be sympathetic.' so i took a deep breath and sighed out my nose. "i was on the phone with my lawyer." i told her and she hummed. "yeah...how's that going?" she questioned and i was surprised she even wanted to know.

"fine i guess. the trial is up soon so i'm just getting ready for that." i replied. "cool. anyway, i just called to let you know that deja is selling the apartment and moving back with her parents." she informed. i furrowed my eyebrows, "really? i assumed she was gonna stay in virginia with her restaurant." jasmine shifted around and i heard the cries of my niece in the background. "i guess. i mean i don't care what she does but i only know because i leased the apartment and they needed my permission to sell it." she said and i nodded even though she couldnt see me.

"well...uhh...i assumed you went back to monica?" i questioned. "if you mean our mother than yes." jasmine corrected me and i rolled my eyes. "yeah whatever..." i pursed my lips before switching the topic. "how's willow?" i asked. "you know her name?"

"yeah, connie told me when i got to the hospital."

"when were you at the hospital?"

"a little while after you gave birth. connie didn't tell you? i mean you were slumped so i didn't wake you." i answered. there was a little silence after that. maybe she didn't know that i had stopped by and she was trying to change her tone now that she saw that i was trying. 

"willow is fine, just a little whiny." i could still here the irritation in her voice so i just sighed. "i wish her the best. she was so tiny when i last saw her." i mentioned. "no shit, dakota. she was premature." my nose flared and i rolled my eyes. i suddenly wasn't in the mood to be so nice anymore. "you know what, jasmine. you have the day you deserve." i then hung up on her. "dakota..." armin gave me a look. i threw my phone on the table and slightly cringe at the sound it made but i shrugged. "min, there is a small amount of bullshit i can take and an even smaller about of bullshit from jasmine. i tried my best to be reasonable but i'm not gonna let her talk to me like that." i got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. 


"no, armin. and i'm done with this conversation."

L O C A T I O N : the penthouse

𝑡𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑐 | 𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now