Chapter 2 - Moving Forward

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Draco wanted to crawl into his own grave and stay there to numb the unbearable pain in his soul.

His heart seemed like a cesspool of violently swirling, volatile emotions as he glared at Harriet, furious with her for not pining after him as he had for her.

Anger, fury, wrath, jealousy, sadness, Draco was a bundle of secret feelings as he frowned at the omega who had unknowingly broken his heart.

"Your husband?!" Draco spat hatefully, as if Harriet had just hurled some great insult at him by mentioning that she had married another man besides him.

"Yes, Malfoy, my husband." Harriet replied as she finally succeeded in wrestling what she had searched for out of her desk drawer.

Draco glared at her as she dusted off the large, black notebook that she held while he hissed, "I suppose he's a proper alpha, then? Only the best for The Chosen One, eh?"

Harriet scowled up at Draco as she snapped, "If you must know, my husband's a beta and I'm very happy about that. Why is my marriage so important to you, Malfoy?"

"I'm just shocked that anyone would be considered good enough for the great heroine, Harriet Potter." Draco sneered in a voice that dripped with venom to conceal his vulnerability.

"Yes, well, you could have already been married yourself by now, you know....It's not my fault that you've traveled for years on end." Harriet chuckled mirthlessly before she asked, "....Are you going to look at these files with me or not? We may as well get started on our work. The sooner we have this done, the sooner this will be over."

Draco kept his sneer as Harriet brought her black notebook over and let him review its contents.

As he flipped through the pages and allowed his mind to ponder Harriet's notes, he couldn't ignore the gnawing question that refused to leave his thoughts.

Harriet had mentioned that she had married, but she hadn't said that......she had mated.

Draco knew well enough that a mating bond was ten times more meaningful than any legal nuptial ceremony.

Most mated omegas never stopped chattering about their mates.

Harriet hadn't gushed at all about her husband.

She hadn't even mentioned his name or when their wedding had happened.

Draco hadn't heard her speak of any children, either.

He contented himself with the hopeful notion that perhaps, Harriet Potter wasn't quite as satisfied as that framed wedding photograph suggested.


Draco said nothing about his suspicions.

Instead, he approached the situation from a professional angle.

Surveillance was a large part of an auror's duties.

During the first two weeks that Harriet and Draco worked together, that was just what he did, he watched the woman he loved.

If he hadn't seen the wedding picture, he would never have known that Harriet was married.

Draco noticed that even during conversations she had with their coworkers, she never mentioned her husband once.

She didn't seem particularly joyous either, as he watched her frown down at the pictures, parchments, and newspaper articles that made up the bulk of their research.

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