Chapter 13 - Jitters

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Lucius and Narcissa became so jittery as the birth approached that anyone would have thought the baby was their son or daughter, not their grandchild.

During the last two weeks of Harriet's pregnancy, Draco had left the office to stay by her side under the guise of a supposed family crisis for which he needed to be present.

Despite the fact that they remained unmarried, he had Harriet and their baby on his mind far more than any qualms about social formalities.

His parents were clearly displeased that the couple had failed to marry.

Although Draco was not terribly thrilled that his son or daughter would enter the world without his last name, as the reality of the baby's impending arrival pressed upon him, his main concern became safety, not honour.

Harriet barely had a reprieve as she laid in her nest and waited for her labour to begin.

Draco sat or laid beside her every second of every day.

Visits to the lavatory were the only times she escaped his sight and even then, to her annoyance, she noticed that he lurked close by the door.

His hands were on her belly more than her own.

To Harriet's dismay, Narcissa often accompanied her son.

Draco was on one side and her future mother-in-law on the other as Harriet tried to lay in her nest and rest.

Outside of her bedroom door, Harriet often heard Lucius inquiring about her health and the baby's.

She turned over in bed one morning with a sigh as she pressed her face into her pillow and struggled to go back to sleep.

The furious movement that came from her heavy womb halted her plans as she laid a hand on her side and drew in a deep breath.

"Love?" A groggy voice asked, "....Are you alright?"

Harriet squinted her eyes shut at the sound.

Oh no!

She had woken Draco!

If she couldn't go back to sleep, then she had hoped for a moment of undisturbed, unworried peace!

"Yes, I'm fine." She whispered, "Just trying to rest a bit longer, go back to sleep, Draco."

"You're holding your belly." He quickly determined as he slipped his hand under the covers and placed it over hers, "Are you feeling any pain, love?"

"No." Harriet lied as their son or daughter used her organs as toys, ".....I am very sleepy, though. Please, Draco, let me rest."

He said nothing in return as he slipped his hand off of Harriet and allowed her the still silence that would usher her back into a deep sleep, but that only irritated her more.

She knew that she had inadvertently placed her alpha on high alert.

Uninterested in returning to sleep as he feared his mate's time of need may begin while he dozed, Draco propped himself up on one elbow and stared down at Harriet in loving vigilance.

As she laid there and felt the possibility of rest slipping away, Harriet sighed to herself.

She couldn't wait to give birth.

Between Draco, his parents, and the Malfoy family house elves, Harriet knew she would have ten times the usual amount of assistance with her new baby that most first time mothers received.

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