Chapter 6 - Working Together

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

The following morning brought with it a gray, rainy Friday.

At an hour when the sun should have been shining brightly in the sky, dismal clouds hung over the Parisian landscape and encouraged all those who greeted the morning to succumb to sleep once more.

During the night, Harriet and Draco had instinctively moved closer together, soothed by one another's scent and the proximity of each other's warm, comforting bodies.

They woke at the same time.

Draco could feel the heat from Harriet's skin as she laid against him.

Harriet sighed as she writhed against Draco's lovely warmth while the delightful smell of a strong, dominant alpha filled her lungs.

He moved slightly and felt his forearm brush against Harriet's curves.

That sensation did not go unnoticed as Draco and Harriet both snapped their eyes open.

They each sat bolt upright in bed and clutched the covers while they shot each other accusatory glares as they remembered themselves.

"What on earth are you doing, Malfoy?!?!" Harriet spat.

"Don't blame me!" Draco shot back, "You were the one with your bum pressed against my groin, Potter!....I don't remember asking you to do that!"

Their peaceful morning was disrupted by Harriet's shame as she reached over and pulled her heavy robe around herself in bed as best she could and huffed, "You've got some nerve!"

"I've got some nerve?!" Draco cried, "We went to sleep with our backs towards each other and......and the next thing I knew, we woke up like that! May I ask how that's my fault?"

"You should know better than to try and seduce me while I sleep!" Harriet snapped.

Draco ignored the venom in her tone while his grey eyes lighted on the hardened points under her thin nightgown as her nipples bristled in the morning chill.

He was released from his mental captivity as Harriet's robe slipped over her breasts and concealed them from his longing gaze.

"I hardly think I did any such thing." Draco scoffed, "If I had tried to seduce you, Potter, you wouldn't have the energy left to squabble about it afterwards."

An arrogant smirk curled his lips and Harriet frowned as she resisted the impulse to smack him.

With a very irritated noise of frustration, she pushed herself out of bed and stormed away to visit the lavatory.

She and Draco both frowned while they lurked in their separate spaces.

As Harriet readied for the day, she feared being consumed by an overwhelming rage.

She wasn't angry at Draco, she was angry at herself.

She had made a mistake.

It was difficult for her to admit, but in her heart, she recognized her own error.

Harriet Potter had married the wrong man.

She could ask for a divorce, but that would take time and embarrassment, and really, she just wanted Draco as quickly as she could have him.

In the bedroom, Draco lay back down with an exasperated sigh as a miserable frown twisted his thin lips.

He had told Harriet the truth, he had no memory of pulling her closer in the night, none at all.

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