Chapter 9 - Consequences

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Harriet knew her actions had been wrong, yet she harbored shamefully few regrets when she woke the next morning.

In the rational part of her mind, she realized she should have wrenched herself from Draco's grasp, apparated to the Auror Department immediately, handed in her work, and went home.

........But Harriet had grown tired of selflessly denying herself and sacrificing her own happiness for the undeserving.

Her husband hadn't even bothered to ask anything about her business trip.

Harriet knew that Robert didn't really care if she came back at all, so then, why should she?

Although their mission had concluded, Harriet and Draco both extended their stay at the posh hotel for the next three days while Harriet's heat raged on.

Upon request, meals were brought by Witch's Way's staff morning, noon, and night to the couples' room.

A small, enchanted star floated around the doorknob as it displayed a glittering message warning against any blatant disturbance.

Harriet delighted in how deliciously good it felt to lay with Draco's strong arms around her.

It seemed like a blissful dream to pass hour after hour cuddling with him there on the makeshift nest she had constructed out of his worn clothes and the hotel sheets.

They shared surprisingly little conversation.

Harriet was all desire and Draco was all love, what else was there to say?


Once the raging urgency of her cycle gradually calmed, Draco and Harriet were forced to face the reality they had created for themselves as they woke that morning and stared into each other's eyes.

"Good morning, Potter." Draco smirked at Harriet.

"Mmm......Good morning, Malfoy." She replied as she rolled onto her back and rubbed her face.

Draco propped himself up on one arm as he gazed down at her in loving admiration for a moment before he dipped his head and captured her lips in a deep kiss.

Harriet sighed as she held him close and kissed back in spite of herself.

Their affection lasted more than a lingering minute before Draco nipped her lips as he pulled away.

"Ready for today?" He asked with a mischievous smirk.

"Sorry....." Harriet frowned, "What's today?"

A low, deep chuckle of amusement erupted from Draco's chest as he sat up in bed and grinned at Harriet while he spoke, "Today's the day we're going home, Potter......and the first day of our new life together."

Harriet's frown deepened as she asked, "........What?"

Draco's grin faded as he studied the bewildered expression on her face.

Nausea gnawed at the edge of his stomach as he slowly began to realize a horrible truth that he hoped he had assumed incorrectly.

Surely.......Harriet wouldn't.......

"We'll go home." He nodded, "We'll turn in our work.....Then you can go and tell that lazy, worthless oaf who calls himself your husband it's over between the two of you......You can be in Malfoy manor by this evening......Don't worry, Potter, you'll love your new nest there. My bed is much better than this one."

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