Chapter 7 - Danger

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Harriet's wand was hidden in a secret back pocket across her shoulder blade under her harness, but as she walked behind the bodyguard and followed him through the curtain that led to the VIP section, she hoped that Draco would arrive to assist her before its use was necessary.

She silently berated herself for not practicing the removal of her magical apparatus from her costume before she went out on stage.

The bodyguard continued his solemn march while Harriet silently considered the best way to maneuver her wand into her hands.

Eventually, they rounded a corner and came upon a large, private table that overlooked the stage from behind a thin veil of tinted black.

Harriet recognized the tall man seated at the table instantly from the many photographs that she and Draco had studied.

Brownish hair, blue eyes, and cracked lips, auror Harriet Potter understood that she walked towards her target as she approached the table with a deceitful smile.

The bodyguard nodded at his employer as he brought Harriet over, happy to see the pleased smile that spread across his boss's face.

"Hello, darling~." The dark wizard purred at Harriet as she came closer, "I haven't seen you in my club before....."

"Hello," Harriet nodded, "I....I just came for amateur night....I thought it'd be fun."

"What's your name?" The dark wizard asked with a lecherous grin.

As his lips spread, Harriet could see his yellowed, broken teeth glinting in the dim lights of the club.

The sight made her shiver, although she smiled as she replied, ".......Molly Flint."

Harriet had thought carefully about her assumed name.

She felt that she had chosen a good combination that wouldn't raise too many questions.

"Molly Flint~." The dark wizard purred, "Well, Molly Flint, I'm certain you know who I am."

Harriet nodded politely as the dark wizard pushed his chair back from the table and spoke, "You're Marcus Abraxim, the owner of Witch's Way."

"I am, indeed." Marcus confirmed with an arrogant grin, "Come here, darling, and sit with me for a while, won't you? I'm a very lonely wizard.....I do take a great delight in keeping beautiful company like yourself close by....."

"I'd be honoured." Harriet said with a sweet smile.

In her mind, she recalled the long list of crimes that he had committed, only to flee arrest again and again by a stealthy use of curses and potent memory charms.

Murder, theft, vandalism, fraud.......the list went on and on.

Harriet bent down to take a seat in the chair next to Marcus, but to her horror, he reached out and grabbed onto her arm as he pulled her down into his lap.

She let out a cry of surprise as she fell against him, but he only chuckled.

"That's better, my darling~." Marcus smirked at her as his foul breath slapped her in the face, "We can get to know each other a bit better now, can't we?"

"I.....I suppose we can, yes." Harriet answered as Marcus raised his hands slowly.

As much as her stomach churned, she willed herself to keep her facial expression pleasant.

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