Chapter XIV

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Katniss P.O.V.

"Wait!" I yell before she touches the needle to my skin. "I-I'm pregnant please my baby-," I say, frantically panic and fear surging through me. She pauses and pulls away the needle. She furrows her eyebrows then shrugs. "I guess you'll watch until we find something to do with you," she says, muffled by her mask. "N-No, ple-please!" I scream as loud as I can, my voice failing. She puts a cloth to my face, I inhale and everything goes black.

Peeta P.O.V.

The needle pinches my skin and I feel my eyelids get heavy. I close my eyes and everything goes dark.

I wake up lying on a cold grey floor. Where am I? What happened? I blink my eyes a few times adjusting to the lighting. I get up slowly, my head pounding. I looked around, but couldn't see anything more than five feet away. It was all black. I hear a noise from behind me. I turn around quickly and see the noise is static, from a screen. It was on a glass table, flickering light. I walk closer to it and it makes a buzzing sound that makes me jump. I take another step closer and the screen goes completely black. I wait for something to happen. It shows a white screen then flickers to something too familiar. It was the mayor of district twelve, walking up to the podium, getting ready to say a speech I've heard too many times. He goes through how the country that rose up from ashes of North America, lists the disasters, droughts, storms. How we ringing with 13 districts. "It's both a time for repentance and a time for thanks," the mayor finishes. I see Haymitch wobble on to the stage, drunk. Effie manages to get out of his arms and make it to the microphone, "Ladies first!," she says and pulls out a name. "Primrose Everdeen!" she says. I feel nauseous.What is this place? I face away from the screen hearing Katniss volunteer for Prim. No no no. I shake my head knowing what was coming next. I turn around waiting for her to pick my name. As her as her fingers touch the slips of paper the screen goes black. What? I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I hear footsteps behind me and I close my eyes, frozen in fear. They get closer and remember to breathe. I turn around and see, me. I looked angry. I stare, not knowing what to do. Then, I see Katniss, her hair is down and she is in a hospital gown. She has bruises on her arms and neck. Her face is swollen, with a black eye. "Katniss!" I say walking to her. She stays staring at nothing. I put my arm out to touch her but my hand goes through her. I move my hand around in her space realizing she's not there, I step back confused. I see the other me turn to her. Katniss looks at him and fear fills her eyes. He hits her, and she screams.

"Stop!," I yell. He keeps hitting her. In the arm, face, she starts to cry. "Peeta stop please!" she cries trying to shield herself from the hits. I run over to the holographic Katniss and try to touch her, but it's no use. I turn to myself and try to stop him but I go right through him to. I sink to the floor and my eyes get watery. I was a monster.I bang my fits on the ground. No, no no. I close my eyes wanting all of this to be over.

Eventually everything got quiet. The only thing I could hear was my heart beating. Then, I felt a drop. I tilted my head to look at my hand. There was a single drop of water, then another, and soon my whole body was wet. I looked around me. I was in District 12. I knew this because I was in the back, where my old pigs where. I saw me. I was young. Probably, around 13 years-old. I was holding burnt bread. I saw myself look over to a tree. Katniss. I threw the piece of bread in her direction. I remember this. I see her pick it up after I go inside. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

When I opened them, I was in another room. There was Effie, Haymitch, and Katniss there. This time, I wasn't spectating, I was me.

"Peeta, how does this new color suit me? I know you'll tell me how good it looks," she says.

"It looks pretty bad, maybe try a different color-" I cover my hand over my mouth. Something made me say that. "Effie I'm so sorry," I say. I couldn't lie.

"Katniss I help me on this I love-," I blurt out. She looks at me weird and then gets up and leaves the table. We were on the train car. I realized, I was on my victory tour.

I heard Haymitch laughing behind me, "Smooth buddy," he says smirking.

I stand up and go to look around. I wanted to go find Katniss and see if any of this is real. I go to see her and she is sitting by a window.

"Why would you say that?," she says. Knowing it was me who walked in.

"I don't know," I say. she turns to me and looks at me like I'm crazy."None of this is real is it?," I say sitting next to her.

"Peeta, good job, Now you will complete you're final test and move on to another set of emotions, is you can get through that then we will need another angle," she says, as if someone is speaking for her.

"What?" I ask. She sits back down and looks out the window again.

Okay, maybe if I close my eyes again I will wake up. I tried to think of Katniss, and how I was laying on the table before I got here. I opened my eyes again. I was not on the table.

I was in the Quarter-Quell.

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