Chapter IV

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A/N: Starting this chapter, there with be spoilers for the Alligent book. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Peeta P.O.V

"Katniss!" I yell at her but I know she won't stop. Gale looks at me confused I shake my head and run after Katniss. A few seconds after I leave I hear gale close behind me. As we run down the road it slowly becomes paved to dirt.

The road is covered in broken glass and papers. It reminded me of a dream I had once. In my dream I didn't have any memory of Katniss except for that I hated her so much that all I wanted to do was hurt her. I guess it wasn't a dream but a memory, except in my dream, I was running down this road after Katniss just like now. After a while I started to get tired but I didn't stop running because Katniss was slowing down as well and I was finally catching up to her.

I saw the building up ahead and Katniss must have seen it now too because she started running faster. I wasn't sure if Gale was behind me still, but I didn't care. I ran faster and soon I was right behind Katniss and climbing up the ladder at the same time she was. When she heard me she looked at me for a few seconds then kept climbing.

When we finally got up she looked at me and took my hand. We looked at the hole that lead into the building and jumped in at the same time. We landed with a thud still holding hands walked into the darkness calling Diana's name.

"Diana!" Katniss yelled and let go of my hand running toward the "Duex Mondes". Diana wasn't there. The building seemed half gone. The ceiling had a lot of holes in it and the ground was covered in rubble and dirt. The Duex Mondes was lit up, drawing mine and Katniss' attention at the same time. The middle looked mostly white but there was a picture of light purple and pink and some grey. The colors looked beautiful mixed together. It almost inspired me to paint again. I haven't painted since I got my memory back.

I knew what Katniss was thinking, and I knew what I was thinking. I walked closer to her so we were standing side by side in front of the portal. She grabs my hand and we take one step closer to the portal.

"Wait!" We turn around and see Gale struggling to reach us after the drop. Katniss lets go of my hand and rushes to him.

"Gale," she asks. "Why did you follow us?" He smirks.

"Why not?" he replies. "What is that!?" He approaches the glowing Duex Mondes abdominal peers inside the oval near it.

"It goes to another life," Katniss said bluntly.

"Yeah right," Gale snorted.

"I'm not lying, Gale, it's true. A little girl, the one who turned it on-"

Gale cuts her off again and said, "Wait Diana..?"

"Yes! You know her?" Katniss asks.

"Yeah, Yeah I do. She's a lot like Prim." He looked at her in a way that made me feel uneasy, but she didn't return the look.

"Do you know where she is? We lost her after the earthquake thing," she asks.

"No, but I'm pretty sure we all know where she went," he replies gesturing to the portal. He was right; Katniss and I knew where she most likely went but we have no idea where she actually went to.

"Do you have any idea where this goes?" Katniss questions.

"No, but I might be able to figure it out," he answered.Gale looked into a bag at his side and pulled out a thick book. He flipped to the correct page for the Duex Mondes and pointed at what he needed. "Yes I looked up the coding for the portal and found out the coordinates, I looked them up on the map for that certain demotions...." Gale explained what he was doing but I zoned out looking at the portals colors swirling together.

"So, the things are a little bit out of date, but this was only about five to eight years ago. There is a genetic experiment and the people in that lab run this thing called Factions and they pretty much categorize people to a certain personality and keep them there until there descendants have perfect jeans. It's pretty messed up because the people in the experiment don't even know it."

"What are the factions?" Katniss asks.

"One second let me see....." Gale flips through some more pages in the book. "Aha! There are four factions. One is for the called Abnegation and they believe in selflessness. Candor speaks only the truth. Dauntless is for the brave. Erudite values knowledge, and Amity dedicated to peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness and trust," Gale finally finishes and keeps skimming the page for more information.

"Well, now that we know where were going we need to go get Diana. We need to get her back here as soon as possible," she says sternly.

I realized that Katniss doesn't seem as worried as she would have been a few years ago. I guess all of us are like this. Numb. We are so damaged from the past and the war and me being the capitols weapon. I dismiss the thoughts and focus on the game plan on looking for Diana in the other world.


Heyyy! Sorry about the spoiler i will try to warn you guy when i can, comment and vote please!:) I'll work on the on the next chpater this weekend!!!

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