Chapter 1: Wanted Imp

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(WRITTEN: 29/05/22)



Stolas: Thank you for inviting me out tonight. Despite everything that's happened, I enjoyed spending time with you, tonight.

Blitzo: Yeah.

Stolas: You know, I have some more wine in the house, Octavia's with her mother this weekend so we could...

Blitzo: I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just... I'm not in the mood, Stolas.

Stolas: We could talk... or watch a movie... or maybe... cuddle?

Blitzo: Don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But I- I can't tonight, okay?

Stolas: ...

Blitzo: I'm sorry.

Stolas: Okay. Good night, Blitzo.

Blitzo: Night. *drives off*

Stolas: *cries*

Blitzo: *cries*

Stolas and Blitzo didn't speak for a month after that. They both got an aching pain in their chest whenever they thought of each other. They thought of each other every day. Stolas and Blitzo both became extremely depressed about their current situation. They longed for the other person to contact them but that time never came.

Blitzo knew Stolas was okay because Stolas would post on Voxtagram occasionally.



It's been more than a fucking month. I can't deny the fact I miss Stolas anymore.

I miss everything about him. I miss his little giggle when I tell a shitty joke. I miss his dumb smirk after he tries to flirt with me but fails. I miss that big dumb grin he has whenever he sees me. I miss the thousands of hand gestures he uses while talking about something he's passionate about. I miss the way he gracefully walks towards me. I miss his surprise visits while I'm working. I miss the little smile he has while reading some silly book. I miss sleeping next to him. I miss his crazy horny side. I miss his obsession with plants. I even miss that dumb nickname he calls me.

Okay I'm going to call him. I don't care if I loose my dignity calling him.

His stupid phone goes straight to voice mail. He probably doesn't even know how to use voice mail but i'll leave a voice message anyway, I guess.



Blitzo: Hey Stolas, I... I'm s...sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I should have been *deep inhale* m-more g...grateful to have... you... in my life. I've been left so many times... a-and you just never left. You were the only one there for me when I was hurting. And you... weren't there because you had to be... you were there because you wanted to be? I don't know, it sounds dumb to say but... it's true. And I... I miss you. I miss everything about you. I would really... um, like to catch up and talk about this in person if you have time for me... I'm sorry about the whole Ozzie's bullshit too. I hope you call me back... *sniff* fact I- hope you call me back. Please call me back if you can. I want you back in my life... I promise to treat you better... okay I'm going to go before this shit gets too long. Bye Stolas.



Shit that was too long. I- I hope he doesn't check his voicemail. I really hope he's okay though...

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