Chapter 2: Master Plan

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(WRITTEN: 30/05/22)



I can barley breathe from this stupid fucking panic attack so I haven't been saying much all night. Loonie and I are staying at a some stupid motel tonight because those cock sucking police are still after me. Loonie was pretty tired and hungover from this morning so she's out for a few more hours.

It's two in the morning. I can't sleep. Stolas' daughter and Loonie both said I should try and get some stupid fucking rest while Octavia figures out her "master plan".

All I can think about is Stolas. He's probably scared and cold somewhere. And Millie and Moxxie... this is all my fault for dragging them into this shit. I really hope they're okay. Fucking Striker, how fucking dare he bring them into this. I can't believe I almost hired him for IMP.

I need a plan. I haven't thought this hard since my grade three project on horses.

I feel scared. This is scarier shit then that time I got lost in a McDonald's playground. I was lost in there for almost two fucking weeks. Stolas had to come in and save me like a fucking child.



I'm so cold. So cold. I miss my Blitzy. I miss my little starfire, too. I hope they're okay.

I know Stella's family is behind my kidnapping but they haven't come to see me yet. I've been down in this dungeon for almost 48 hours.

I hear the dungeon door open followed by two bodies being tossed in and sliding across the floor. I look up. Oh my Lucifer- are those Blitzy's employees?



Striker: In you go. Have a nice stay. *hiss*

Stolas: What are they doing here? Are they alive?!

Striker: Yeah, they're fine. This one's knocked out from a venomous bullet. And this one's knocked out from my fist. *hiss*

Stolas: Oh my satan! How could you do this to them?

Striker: Money and *hiss* revenge.

Stolas runs over to Millie & Moxxie's unconscious bodies checking their pulse as Striker locks the dungeon doors again.



Moxxie: W-where am... I?


Moxxie: W-what happened?!

Stolas: Striker brought you both... here.

Moxxie: W-why are we here?

Millie: I'm not sure, honey.

Stolas: I think Striker kidnapped you littler imps because Blitzy cares about you more than I so he's more likely to hand over the grimoire. I'm sincerely sorry you both got dragged into this mess.

Moxxie: He doesn't care about us more, I promise.

Stolas: He does. You guys are his family... I'm just... just some horny owl who booty calls him and has sex with him once a month in return for some "fancy book".

Millie: Who's been saying this?

Stolas: My wife and Striker have been down a few times to "visit me".

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