Chapter 5: Stella's Family

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(WRITTEN: 01/06/22)



I'm so glad Blitzy and his friends got away earlier. I'm so glad they're safe now. I can't believe he ricked his life to come and save me... also I'm relieved he still has my grimoire, even if it's been in Lenny's... buttocks.

Camilla beat me up a little bit after Blitzo got away. Stella hasn't been to see me for a few days, I genuinely hope she's okay. I'm surprised Andrealphus hasn't been down to see me yet... OH SHIT- speak of the devil. Damnit. Here he comes. Not this shit again...



(Andre = Andrealphus)

Andre: Hello, darling~

Stolas: Andrealphus?

Andre: I've come to give you an offer.

Stolas: No thank you.

Andre: Ah but you didn't let me finish! Marry me and divorce Stella, mother will allow it.

Stolas: Sorry did I hear you correctly? Marry... YOU?

Andre: Yes~

Stolas: No thank you, I have a boyfriend.

Andre: That little imp?

Stolas: He's not JUST a little imp.

Andre: So defensive over something so... insignificant.

Stolas: Do not belittle my boyfriend.

Andre: Or what~

Stolas: Or I- I'll... I'll-

Andre: Exactly. You're weak and powerless. You can't do shit~

Andre walks towards Stolas who's still tied up and unable to move away. Andre reaches out to touch Stolas' face. Stolas flinches in discomfort.

Stolas: Please don't touch me, Andre.

Andre: Oh, why ever not, my love~ we used to be so inseparable...

Stolas: That was before you gave me to your sister, LIKE A TOY!!!

Andre: Oh please~ we both knew I'd be back one day to recollect my plaything~

Stolas: I am NOT your plaything... anymore!

Andre traces Stolas' jaw line. Stolas flinches in disgust and discomfort.


Andre: Oh you know you love it~

Stolas: No. I do not. The only person who can touch me like that is my Blitzy.

Andre: The little slutty imp?

Stolas: He's not a slut. He's my boyfriend.

Andre: Oh, I'm sure he has many boyfriends and is just using you for the book~

Stolas: T-that's not true. He asked me to be his b-boyfriend.

Andre: Yes, to make sure he still has access to your grimoire~

Stolas: I gave him my grimoire to do his job.

Andre: And for what? So he'd dick you down once a month? That hardly seems worth it.

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