Chapter 7: Truth Bombs

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(WRITTEN: 02/06/22)



Stella: Okay. Do I need to repeat the plan anymore fucking times?

Lenny: Huh? Oh sorry, I was too busy making out with your daughter. Please repeat it ONE more time.

Stella: *eye twitch* I've already repeated it nine fucking times because you've been "too busy making out with my daughter" every single fucking time to listen.

Lenny: Sorry, I missed what you were saying, again. I was too busy making out with YOUR daughter.

Octavia: *sweats* Hehe, sorry mum!

Stella is growing frustrated and impatient with her daughters'... lover. Stella grips Lenny's collar tightly and pulls Lenny's face close to her's.

Stella: Listen very FUCKING carefully you immature, machine gun loving, butt smuggling, daughter stealing, BITCH! I will repeat the fucking plan one last goddamn time. If you fucking forget one fucking word that comes out of my fucking mouth... I will fucking cut off your fucking tits and fucking hang them on my fucking mother's fucking wall. GOT IT?!

Lenny: Wow, that's a lot of fucking... I- I'm already saving to get my tits removed... but okay! Sure thing. *gulp*

Stella: I will go back to my mother's castle. I will pretend to apologise to that slutty selfish bitches' face. I will pretend I think she fucking knows best and whatever the fuck she's doing is right. I will then roam the castle until I find Stolas and Blitzo. I will then tell them the plan on how we're going to help the escape the wedding between Stolas and my brother that's being posted all over the Voxtanet.

Lenny: YAS MA'M! Um, what's the escape plan for the wedding?

Stella: Oh my fucking Lucifer! I would eat alive right now if my daughter wasn't so foolishly in love with you.

Millie, Moxxie and Loona are silently sitting in the front of the van watching this chaotic scene.



Stolas and Blitzo are tied to chairs by the guards. Stolas is blindfolded because Camilla seems to think his magic is coming back.

Stolas: *cough* Not how I imagined my last day with you, darling...

Blitzo: Please don't say that, Stolas! It's not true! I just need a mother fucking plan...

Stolas: NO BLITZO. NO MORE PLANS! You're just going to make it worse!!! That's all you ever do-


Stolas: OH MY LUCIFER!!! WHY IN HELL DID I SAY THAT? I'm so sorry, Blitzy! I don't know what came over me... I would normally never say something so heartless to you! I'M SO SORRY!

Blitzo: Well I think it's weird that owls don't have dicks! What's the point of dating a guy if he doesn't fucking have a dick or tits?!

Stolas: THAT'S SO MEAN! It's not my fault I don't have a dick!!! Owl's just don't! *cries*

Blitzo: Wait why did I say that?

Stolas: BLITZY! Did you fart?!

Blitzo: WHAT? NO! Are you trying to blame your stinky ass farts on me again?

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