Weird dream

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So I just had this really weird dream, we were like in this building and my mom dyed her hair blue and then I had to go down this staircase and when I reached the bottom the staircase was unstable and apparently it was because of my moms blue hair. Then me, my brother, and my cousin ate this blue cake because apparently we were hungry and then my dad took me and Jordan to eat some soup, and then we sat in this booth and my dad left for the bathroom and me and Jordan were scared that dad might be our waiter, even though that's not scary... and then we read this sign saying we had a different waiter and then our dad came back and we ate soup. So then when I came back to the building I kept walking the staircase and my mom was all like "Its all my fault that it's unstable!" And she tried to undo her blue hair and while this happened the sprinklers for when there is a fire went on and everyone was walking different staircases and then when my friend from school, Briella was almost at the top the sprinklers went off and they had to go all the way back down and she was like, "Really?!" So THEN all of a sudden we had to do this speech for my class and then this dude whose in my class named Luke was the best and he was the one who was going to Toastmasters. (Toastmasters is this thing for public speaking, you compete with other people and yeah) So my teacher, Mrs Bond was all like, "Okay, so the one going to toastmasters is...Luke! You did perfect when you were practicing your speech on Conner." Conner, is in my class too. So then all of a sudden I was transported to this map and I was like following the dots around the map and then I was swimming and Luke was there and he said something but I forgot it... And then I woke up.

Weird dream Huh?

What does it mean???!?!!!??!

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