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Ever since my older sister has been back I've been having REALLY strange dreams, she's so weird and funny I think her creativity has rubbed off on me causing me to have these dreams or something. Anyways, I always love writing down my dreams so I don't forget them and to share them with you so this time it will be a combo of four different dreams, all different nights, and if you don't enjoy it don't read, if you do, make sure to show it by voting, commenting, or messaging me, your help is always appreciated XD So, here we go.

Dream number 1) I snuck out somewhere in the middle of the night and then when I got back into the house that by the way isn't even my house in real life I had to use the dog door, and when I went in I saw my dad walking around and I freaked out, because if he catches me he'll know I was gone. So I tried to like slither to the bottom bunk of the bunk bed and my dad caught me and lightly touched me to make me fly into the air. It was weird. And then I went back outside and into this maze of chairs, the same red chairs I have at my house. So I was walking though it when Olivia all of a sudden joined me and I was on my phone with this app retrica and I was looking at selfies of random people I don't know and showing her when she said, "I want one!" So I grabbed two negative chairs, because there were positive and negative chairs and then we sat on them and I took a picture of her and then I woke up

Dream numba 2) Me and my cousin Ate Alleia were sitting in a line of photo booths accept there weren't any cameras and then these soldiers came by and asked us if we would prefer meat or an electronic. I chose the meat while she chose a mini electronic camera. I asked her why and she said, "I want to get the electronics first." So I nodded and then all of a sudden I was trying to get to this yellow bug (as in the car) and we were in this grocery store and the car was knocking things over and it made me run in slow motion which absolutely sucked, but over time it went away and right when I was thisssss close to catching the yellow bug, a person stuck their head out the window and tried to swat me away using like obstacles and stuff and then I woke up

Dream number 3) So, it was a weird medieval world and there was this black swamp and me and my friend had to take five steps across Otto get to the other side and if you take more your haunted or something. So my friend went first and took five swift steps and when it was my turn I remember counting 21 in my head or something like that, I mean the lake got longer when I was in it and I remember knowing I should just swim after five so I'm not haunted but I didn't I just wasn't caring at all. So when I reached the other side my friend had to haunt me and stuff and it was weird and then I awoke.

Dream number 4) This one is strange. So apparently my mom and dad are both evil and are out to get me so I defend myself because in my dream I was a professional ninja, awesome I know. And so others around me had other people they were defending themselves from. So my dad was the one I was battling and he was trying to stab me with a microscope slide that apparently had poison and I was running. So at one point I was at the fashion store with my friends and we asked the lady if there were any more clothes so she said yes and showed us to the back were some cute clothes were and then the guys were there dressed at girls and I asked them why they were here and this one guy at the front said with a sweet smile, "To protect you." And then I woke up. Lady's department, evil parents, poison, dudes dressed as chicks, just don't ask, anything can happen in the world of the mind.

So those my fellow friends are my strange dreams, you dudes are awesome thanks for reading, see yaaaaaaaa baiiiiii

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