Hey :)

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Hello Everyone! My homie is sleeping and I'm feeling bored sooooooo...I'll just keep writing lalalalalalalallalaaaaaaaaa....Ooohhhh I have an idea ya'll

Sad llama

Happy llama

Mentally disturbed llama

Super llama

Drama llama

Big fat mama llama llama llama llama

There is more but I personally don't like to sing it because it is inappropriate.

My friend at school made some of it up.

Yeah....anyways idk what I'm doing. Just writing....Heres an update on some of Eden's life:

So....for Father's Day me and my brother made my dad breakfast in bed and gave him cards and we went to hurricane harbor at some point when I got a sunburn for a couple days....ON MY FACE AND IT BURNED. Also, we walked my puppy, Russia to a high point where we saw the buildings and homes while the sun was setting, it was really pretty. Also, I lazed around and watched TV, series, movies, and other stuff. Mostly The Amazing World of Gumball. I found out who the voices for them are, its so weird to think that Gumball's voice is actually the voice of a 16 year old, just google it and see for yourself. I got sick too, I have a soar throat and a stuffy along with sniffy nose which means more TV lol. Ummm.... I was grounded from my phone for about a week and I'm finally back. And when I came back I had like a bunch of text messages from Ava and Elise and family members and since Riley doesn't have a phone, she didn't text me while I was away but along with the many texts from friends and family I also got 70 notifications on wattpad, also a missed call and voicemail and more notifications on other apps. Yupp, it was a lot but after looking through them it was much less overwhelming. And my brother dissected a baby lizard that was floating dead in my pool. I checked it out... IT WAS AWESOME...gross, but awesome. It's brain was really tiny and was black and I saw its guts. Forgive me if I put that image in your head. Annnnddddd ummmmmmmmm....... I had a jazz performance and my parents got me flowers when I was finished and in the waiting area there were adorable little dancers at the ages of like 3 and I got to hold their hands along with the other older girls....THEY WERE SO FRIGGEN CUTE!!! And after the performance we went to this restuarant <( pretty sure I spelled that wrong ) and I had this really good spaghetti and then when I went home I had to take off all the make up and changed into a loose shirt with shorts and slept like a baby. Along with all that, I fed my puppy practically every morning but because she doesn't like her new food I have to sprinkle cheese on it to make it actually bearable for her and then she eats it, but if I don't she'll eat it when she's hungry. I feed her at either 5:00-6:30 in the mornings and I'm tired at first but I usually get used to it because I'm naturally an early bird, I always get up at 5:00-6:30 so I never even need an alarm clock, I just wake up. My older sister got home last night too! She's in collage and already has her masters. She lives up in Portland and visits every once and a while but this time she will be staying FOREVERRRRRRDRRR MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH....Well, practically forever until she gets a job and moves out, she is 25. Russia is her dog but we think of her as OUR dog. And she is my half sister but I honestly never see her like that. She's just my sister to me. And I love her soooooooo much. Like I say to her "More than all the stars in the sky." Im excited to see what Summer will bring. And that is the update so far ;) see YA dudes


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