Terrible yet happy day

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So this is the story about a couple days ago, and it was quite a paradox so just sit back, relax and let me tell ya'll.

So a couple days ago was the Fourth of July, (happy fourth by the way >u<) and we decided to go to the beach. It was really hot this morning when we got in the car but then when we got to the beach itself, it was freakin cold!!! We set up this tent thingy and it's supposed to be for two people, but can you guess how many people were in there once we realized it was cold? Four. It was me, cramped in a corner, my brother next to me on his iPad, my mom on her phone and my dad not even having enough space to lie down, never mind sit. BUT! Thats only the fate which it comes to, that's only the outcome. That's only the terrible part, when we first got to the beach it was fun. Me and my brother were digging a hole, don't judge. And then we went to the coast with my dad and he dug this pit so you can see the little sand crabs swim in when the water comes. We called it "Crab Central Station" and I drew a little picture of a crab in the sand. We also saw this fisher catch a.... well you guessed it, fish! But he had to throw it back in the ocean though because apparently it was too small and there's an illegal thing about keeping fish that aren't the correct size or something like that... I honestly don't know. Anyways, the poor fishy was flopping around and I was so sad. So I'm happy it got to live. it was really cool to see a live fish though.

So after the little fishy encounter and crab motel and digging holes we head back to the tent where the misery began. I mean, it wasn't that bad because we had snacks (Doritos, popcorn, drinks, cake pops, hot Cheetos, Pringles, ruffles, other good junk food) but it was very cramped and I got claustrophobic fast.

There was this zip up window thing you can open and close and I opened it a little for fresh air and it was cold and good just like air conditioning. I loved ittttttt. So in the tent I just relaxed and chilled with my family while eating snacks. (Not all of them!!! I would've become fat. All I had were some Doritos, hot Cheetos, Gatorade, and like five prices of ruffles just because) Okay it does sound like a lot but it's not like I ate the whole bags, my mom only let me have a certain amount because she knows how much I love hot Cheetos and if she didn't restrain me, I would've had the whole bag sooooo..... yeah. After a while me and my mom were both getting squished so we decided to take a jog outside. We did just that when she said she had to pee... oh mom. Anywho, I told her to go in the ocean because Porta potty's are gross but she said that was disgusting even though like everyone does it (sorry if I traumatized you into never wanting to swim at the beach again) but instead we found this pit. You can skip this if you want. It starts and ends at the lines....| She crouched down and started peeing while telling me to hide her from others who could possibly see her. It was sunset so it's not like she peed in a public place, it was basically a deserted island with only few people wandering around. Anyways, I did as she said while laughing my head off. When she was done doing the natural thing of letting out waste as all of us do, she got up and we jogged back to the direction of the tent only to find, when we looked back, people who weren't there before. She began to question, "OMG EDEN DID THEY SEE ME???" And I was like..."Ummm....i don't know, where did they even come from, they weren't there before!" And she freaked out. My mom pointed away from the coast and said, "Lets run to hide my shame." And at this I started laughing. We ran that way and then when we saw them pass us we ran back to the tent and told my brother and dad the story.......|

So don't tell my mom that I told you, she would be so mad at me. Although I have no clue how you would contact her STILL in no way possible will you ever speak of what is in this chapter, understood? Good.

Okay, so after a while of eating and chilling in a cramped space, it was time to leave so we can watch the fireworks. We packed all the stuff up in the freezing wind and I was just feeling horrible the whole time. I felt cold. very very cold. We made it to the car and I told my brother to turn around because I had to change into my pants because I WAS FREEZING MY SEXY BUTT OFF! Anyways, he reluctantly turned around and I put a pillow over the window so no one on the outside would see me. I changed into pants and told him he could look now and then we just waited till my dad got here. My mom was already here, but she was just doing stuff in the trunk, trying to fit in the tent and cooler and all that good stuff. My dad got there like five minutes later and they said they had to do something so it was just me and my brother and we were all alone in the car. CLASSIFIED INFORMATION TOOK PLACE. Anyways, by the time they got back they said to get out of the car and grab some of the chairs for the fireworks. So we saw the amazing fireworks in the freezing cold. Even though we had a thick blanket over us...I WAS FREEZING MY BUTT OFF! It was cold and....cold and I was feeling sad and...cold. BUT! The fireworks were so pretty and it made up for it so that is the story of my terrible yet happy day, I meant to publish this sooner but I didn't have time, too much summer involved... so I hope you had a magnificent fourth and see ya!


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