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So I'm really excited for Summer because I'm probably going to hangout with my favorite people ever! My cousins first of all, My Ate Alleia and my Kuya Brian and My Ate! Okay you probably don't know what that means haha, because I'm Pilipino. Ate means big sister. Kuya means big brother. and My cousins are Alleia and Brian, Ate, is my actual big sister. Her actual name is Samantha. Or Sammy or Sam. Lol anyways, second of all MY HOMIE!!!! As you have probably heard before, my homie is EL88anime_brownies or Elise and I love her :) and she is the bestest friend I've seriously ever had and it's going to DEFINETLY stay that way! And I'm pretty sure that I'll see all of them!!!!!! And hopefully as a bonus I'll get to hangout with Ava or Riley or both! But I shouldn't get my hopes up. It sucks because whenever I do something bad happens. Oh shoot. I THINK I JUST JINXED MYSELF.... I hope not....anyways THATS MY SUMMER PLAN! To hang out with my favorite people in this universe! See you lata

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