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So...My arch nemesis (I'm not going to say her name) is now sitting at my table in class. -__-
Here's why:

So she used to sit at this other table next to this boy named r.j. and apparently they got into a fight.

She told the teacher about it and she moved her desk to our table...so she switched places with Alex and now he sits in her spot and she's at our table...-_- im so upset.

There is Nolan, Ernie, Luke, Mia, and now HER at our table...so it used to be just me, Mia and the boys but now...well, now she is here so there's three of each. Me, Mia, HER, Ernie, Nolan, and Luke.

Btw, I asked luke if his dad ever told him "Luke, I am your father." But he said he never said that and I was like , "OMG, if I was your dad I would say that to you all DUH time."

Anyways, back to the point. Im mad because she sits at our table now and when Nolan and Ernie were being annoying she was all like, "At least I have Eden." And she like stretched her hands out to me. and I was like, "Yeah, I'm sooooo glad your here." While on the inside I was like, "I never want to see your ugly face again, I'm so mad your sitting here. Im not happy or glad at all."

I'm sure we've all had our moments when the person you hate is talking to you and the moment they leave your like, "I hate them so much."

Anyways that's what happened today :) wait hold up, >:(

Viola, mkay bai

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