23: Humanoid Figure

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"I am right now sitting in my front porch smoking a cigarette. I cannot bring myself to go back inside my house. There is someone in there.

Just over 2 months ago I moved into a new house after losing nearly everything to Covid. I won't go into details or draw this out.

Typing this out is making my eyes well and every hair on my body stand straight up, but God dammit I saw a human shaped shadow in my walk-in closet.

Am I going crazy? Maybe, but I know that I am not at the same time.

Okay, this is what happened. I am laying in my bed browsing the internet, and from the corner of my eye I catch movement coming from my closet. Within literal milliseconds I turn and see someone standing inside of it, looking right at me. You guys. I FLIPPED the fuck out, sprung up, ran out of my room, slammed the door, and grabbed a kitchen knife.

I yelled and screamed about calling police, that I had a knife, and basically acted like a scared monkey.... no response. After about a minute of yelling and realizing I had left my phone in my bedroom (to call 911) I slowly peaked in.

There was simply nothing there you guys. Nothing. No one could have gone anywhere. I'm fucking PISSED and terrified about this.

I saw this person. I saw their shape. Their movement. Their arms. There was a humanoid figure in my closet, and that is all I know.

Idk what to do from here."

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