33: Sleep Paralysis

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"I've suffered sleep paralysis a total of three times in my life. The first two times it just consisted of me waking up, not being able to move my body. The third time was much different, though. I had woken up very early morning, probably like between five and six a.m. When the sun was just starting to come up. 

There was light in the room, but barely any. I tried to move, but I had that unfortunately familiar feeling of paralysis. Helplessness, my eyes fixated on the wall. There was nothing I could do. Then suddenly I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs of my bedroom.

It was my brother, followed by my sister, dad and mom. They were all sobbing hysterically, and they all seemed to be at least a foot taller. It was unnerving. The four of them approached my bed, then stopped at the bedside, towering over me, all four of them crying. I couldn't move.

I wanted to cry for help or just yell at them to stop because they were scaring me. Their heights, they looked like they were near to hitting the ceiling. Then, just as quickly as they entered, all four of them turned and walked back down the stairs. 

I could move again, and so I ran down the stairs to follow them, but they weren't in the outside area. I went to each of their rooms one at a time. All four of them were fast asleep. My heart was racing because the most surreal, unnerving thing just happened to me. I had to lean on the wall to gather my thoughts for a second, breathing heavily. Falling back asleep was futile. The rest of the night I lay awake until the sun was fully up.

A few days later, I was struck by a speeding car when crossing the road with friends and ended up with three broken bones and a fractured thigh bone. I was hospitalized for a week, and at one point all four of my family members stood next to my hospital bed looking down at me, my mom being emotional and crying. 

It was almost the same image from my sleep paralysis. I'm not superstitious at all, but if I were, I would 100% believe that dream was some kind of sign or some kind of prediction of the future."

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