35: Hide and Seek

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"I heard it from a Patient. It was really long ago. I'm going to say the story how he told it. He is currently inside a psych facility.

It all started a few months ago. I and my cousins would play hide and seek in my room. Well my room was kind of large. We used to play after turning the lights off.

One day my parents were out and we were getting bored. So we decided to play this time we would play in the entire house. Not to mention without the lights. We loved that game. So my cousins agreed. We were five in number. My house was small, there were only two bed rooms and a single bathroom. There was also a living room attached with the kitchen. 

I hid alone in the kitchen. One of my cousin was looking. I was pretty sure I was alone in the kitchen for I could hear my cousins whispering inside the living room. I hid inside a cupboard. I hid there for a longtime. It was midsummer so, I got really sweaty. I crept out from the cupboard. I got under the table. I started fanning myself with my hands. 

That's when I noticed it. There was someone hiding under the table too. I wasn't scared I thought it was my Cousin. So I pat his back. Well that's what I assumed it was a he. Anyways he didn't move or look back. He felt so cold.

It was quite common not to talk with one another while playing. So I just hid there until someone turned the lights on. I flinched as the sudden light really hurt my eyes. When I looked properly my Cousin wasn't there any more. I was kind of shocked. That was barely 2 seconds max. No one can get out from under the table and leave the room that fast. My cousins came looking for me. 

That night while sleeping I was asked them if anybody was there with me. All of them had the same answer. They weren't. A month later maybe, I was reading in my room. I was sitting on the reading table. My parents were watching tv in the living room. I really concentrated on my studies that night. Then I heard something. Someone was sitting on my bed. I couldn't look, back I was afraid too. 

From the corner of my eyes I saw a boy sitting there. I should probably mention that none of my cousins were there at our house. The thing started moving close to the table. I was frozen. I couldn't talk. That thing came so close to me, I could hear it breathing behind me. With all my might I screamed my heart out. I screamed like hell that night. My parents came running in. They consoled me. I told them about the boy. They said it was in my head. I was maybe too stressed. 

The third event was really scary. I had gone to one of my friends home for group study and was late to get back to my house. When I was only a block away from my house, I saw police cars. I started running towards them. There was a body being pulled out on a stretcher. One of my neighbors hugged me. I was kind of in a shock. I asked them what happened and where were my parents. She started crying. She said that someone got inside house. He murdered my parents with a butcher knife. I couldn't believe what I heard. I asked if they caught the man. 

The immediate answer from the police was that there were several witness that it was a boy. He somehow managed to vanish from the scene as if he wasn't even there. I asked them where could he go. He must be somewhere.

After a few days after my parents funeral I asked one of my Neighbors who was an eyewitness to the murder, about the boy they saw in our house. The answer was I kind of hoped it would be. According to my her. She was working in her garden and got a clear view of my room. She had seen a boy standing in my room that night. 

He was standing near my reading table. Then he walked into the living room. He somehow found a knife. The next thing was in a frenzy. Her expression changed as if she saw a ghost. She started screaming that I killed my parents. I was the one inside the house that night. She called the cops. 

Its been along time since I'm inside a cell. No one visits me. Why would they ?,  I'm a murderer. But I know I'm not. Still to this day I see him standing in that corner near the table. He stands there and looks at me. 

I see the murderer of my parents in my own skin, in my own reflection. 

I wasn't able to verify his story but I had heard he murdered someone when he was 13. " 

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