11: The Invisible Patient

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"The ambulance company that I used to work for had a "haunted" ambulance: rig 12. A lot of EMTs had stories about it, but I never put much stock in paranormal stuff. That is, until I had my own experience with rig 12.

My partner and I were working in a rural community at 3 a.m., and it was pitch-dark and completely quiet. We were both dozing; I was in the driver's seat, and she was in the passenger seat. I woke up to a muffled voice, and I thought my partner was talking. 

I told her I was trying to sleep and closed my eyes. I distinctly heard a male voice say, "Oh my God, am I dying?" followed by a few seconds of heavy breathing. 

My partner and I sat up straight and looked back into the patient compartment, where it sounded like the voice had come from.

Things were quiet for a couple seconds; then we heard the click of an oxygen-bottle regulator and a hiss, as if it was leaking. I turned on the lights, and we ran out of the rig. I thought a transient might have climbed in while we were asleep, so we opened the rear doors. 

No one was there. I checked the oxygen bottles; neither was opened. We didn't sleep much after that."

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