8: The Haunted Room

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"In 2015, I went on a trip to DC for the 4th of July with my family. We visited George Washington's State in Virginia. It was the middle of the day, scorching hot. And there was absolutely no air-conditioning in the house aside from a few fans placed sparingly. 

I'm a huge history buff so I was very excited about touring the house and I knew a lot about George Washington and his state previously. So I knew that he had passed away in his bedroom in 1799, but that was definitely not what I was thinking about when our tour guide led our group upstairs to go see said bedroom. 

His bedroom had a lot of really delicate artifacts in it, so we weren't allowed to go inside. And there were little plastic barriers preventing us from doing so. But you could stick your head into the room and look around. For some reason, I was the only one in the group who decided to take a look. When I stuck my head into the room, I was immediately struck by how absolutely freezing cold it was in there. 

And I don't mean that there was a light breeze. It was as if I had stuck the upper half of my body into a walk-in freezer. I was confused by this because there didn't seem to be any air-conditioning in the room. So I looked around to try and see if there was a fan or an A/C unit that I just wasn't noticing. But I didn't see one. I decided to take my head out of the room and ask our tour guide why it was so cold in there. 

But then I realized that I couldn't move. I was paralyzed from the waist up. 

Every part of my body that was in the room was completely stuck in place. I struggled to pull myself out but couldn't. 

I started to panic and tried to open my mouth to call for help, but when I opened my mouth, no sound came out. All of the sudden from the other side of the room, where there was a little piece of furniture, a mirror and a water basin, probably where Washington washed his face and shaved in the morning, I felt what I can describe as nothing other than a pair of eyes staring at me. 

Almost like the sensation of someone staring at you while you sleep. I didn't see a figure or anything  but felt this huge and intimidating presence walk towards me and stare me down. It was horrifying. And I physically could not tell you how much time passed in that moment because it really felt like it could've been an hour. 

But I guess it was only a few seconds. After a while I finally broke free from my paralysis and almost fell backwards onto my butt. 

My mom asked me what was wrong and I told her that I wanted to leave. She didn't believe me when I told her the story later, but it still scares me to this day."

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