27: My Grandma's House

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"My grandmas house has always, for as long as I can remember, been a scary place. My dad and aunt and uncle all grew up in the house and had paranormal experiences occur throughout their lives. 

One examples was when my dad and uncle were teenagers, my uncle was walking down the steps and was swinging a towel (as he had just washed his hair) out of nowhere my dad, who was standing in the living room at the bottom of the stairs, saw the towel straighten out in front of my uncle as if someone pulled it and my uncle fell forcefully down the stairs. 

Now, my grandma hates all things paranormal, especially Ouija boards so it is a big no no in our family to discuss the paranormal events that occur in her house. 20 years or so ago my cousins and brothers were playing in the upstairs bedrooms of my grandparents house. The toys were set up in the room across the hall from them, and they were all in the same bedroom playing a board game. Out of nowhere a hot wheels car (no batteries, no windup, just an average hot wheels car) slowly exited the room that the toys were in, went across the hall and into the room where they were all sitting. 

Needless to say they were all terrified. Around 8 years ago my oldest brother moved into the basement of their house. One night when he was home alone he woke up out of a deep sleep having felt like he was shaken by someone. He stood up and instantly smelt gas. He went upstairs and outside of the house. Later he found out there was a carbon monoxide leak and if he had not woken up there's a big chance he could have died in his sleep. 

Months after that when my grandparents were away for the weekend the family decided to try the ghost radar app in their house. We all sat around the phone and my uncle asked the normal questions "is anyone here" blah blah. Then he asked "who used to live in the basement?" (At this point my brother had moved out) The ghost radar replied with my brothers full first name, which no one ever calls him. We were shocked. So my uncle asked "How did you save {my brother}?" It replied with "wake". um wtf. He then asked "What did you save him from?" And it said "gas". Needless to say, we were shocked. 

The last thing (that I'm going to talk about) that happens in the house is my great grandma's belongings (who passed away probably 30 years ago) will show up in their kitchen every month or so. They put the things back in the basement and a little while later it will show back up in the kitchen."

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