12: A Girl And Her Dog

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"My dad is a photographer, and one time he stayed at this hotel up in Vermont for a shoot. He was woken up in the middle of the night when a little white dog ran through his room. 

Shortly after that, a young girl, about seven or eight years old, came into his room in pursuit of the dog. She sat at the foot of his bed and asked if he had seen her dog. He says he wasn't scared: It was just a normal little girl, but there was still something about the whole thing that felt supernatural. 

My dad told her it had ran into the bathroom and if she was lost and needed to find her parents. She said no, got up, and followed the dog into the bathroom. My dad went in to help her get the dog, but when he got in there the room was empty.

Then a few weeks later, his assistant was staying in the same room with her sister. Weirdly, both of them had the same dream about their dad coming into the room, sitting on the edge of their bed, then going into the bathroom.

When they woke up the next morning, they got a call from their mother saying their dad had passed away that night." 

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