30: Demonic Creatures

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"My sister had this encounter a couple nights ago, and my family and I don't know what to make of it.

So at about 12:12 midnight, my mother heard something hit our front door. This caused my older sister and my mom to be awake at the same time. My sisters dog left her room and barked at the door, but because no further banging was heard, no one came to the front door to further check what the noise was.

After my sisters dog stopped barking, my sister then heard the laughing of two small girls. The laughing was loud enough for my other sister, who's room is across from my older sisters room, to be awakened by it.

My older sister decided to check outside her window, and saw two white looking dogs, who were the cause of the laughing children's voices. After closely watching the two creatures, she then noticed that the two white dogs had human heads with flowing human like hair. They laughed their way down our block, leaving my sister afraid."

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