29: The Old Woman Watching Me

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"When I was about 7 or so I had this experience. Me, my sister, and my grandmother were sleeping in my grand parents room, at that time we had a room of our own but was scared to sleep on it because at that time our room was at the third floor while my grandparents room was at the first floor. 

So at night, I woke up to a raspy voice of an old woman saying "matulog ka na." (Which means go to sleep) the room was dark and my sister was sleeping beside me, so I was confused because my grandmother was also sleeping beside me, when I checked the door there was a pale old woman grinning wildly at me and had long thick black hair and was staring at me, me being a kid I was scared and closed my eyes, about 10 seconds or so I opened my eyes again, and the old woman was no where to be seen."

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