chapter 6

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*'What did you do?'

'That's none of your buisness' Harry's voice 'I'll talk to her later'*

You sigh, this can't be happening. You just can't trust anyone who has hurt your baby sister. Yes, sometimes she's quite annoying. But you love her and you don't want her to get hurt by some jerk.

You get in your dress and look at the long mirror which is on the wall. You look ridiculous. You walk out the toilet and see the boys stare at you. They were clearly still talking about you and Harry, because when you walk in, everyone's silent. You give a small smile and they smile back. except Harry. 

You walk to Kim, and she immediatly starts to explain you everything. How to give messages to the kitchen, how the coffee machine works and what to do when a costumer gets mad. It's now a little bit more busy in the little café. There comes a couple around the twenty's trough the door and sits down on a table for two. Kim gives you a encouraging nod. You start to get nervous but walk up trough the couple. 

'Ermm, would you like to drink something?' You ask so politely as possible

'Yes, two coffee please' The woman says, friendly smiling at you. 'Is this your first day?'

She ask, while you write the two coffee down on your note block. 'Yeah, I'm a bit nervous' you say, with a hesitating smile.

The woman laughs and says; 'You're doing great, don't be nervous'

'Thanks' you smile back.

You walk back to Kim, who says immediately; 'You see, the people are very polite, nothing to worry about'

The time flighs by, you kind of enjoy working there, although you're still nervous. Then Annabel walks up to me. 

'It's already 12.30, Sarah. You have a half an hour lunch break, would you like to eat here or somewhere else?'

'No thanks, I'm going home, to have lunch with my sister' You answer her 'I'll be back on time' 

You go to the kitchen door, where the three boys are hard working. Scott is doing the dishes and the other two are cooking lunch for the costumers. There are a lot people having lunch at this time. You grab your  back when you feel a hand on your shoulder. 

'Hey, are you having a break? Are you going home?'

'Yes, Harry, I'm going home to have lunch with Anne' You bit back

I looked at his eyes, who were begging.

'Please, may I go with you, I want to apologise to your sister, give me a chanche'

You consider it. Maybe he is sweet after all. But you don't know Anne's going to be happy about it. Well, you have to work the whole summer break with him, so you don't want to ignore him all the time.

'Yeah, sure. But don't you dare hurt my sister'

He looks relieved and grabs his bag, which was standing next to you. The both of you walk out of the kitchen, call Kim and Annabel goodbye and walk towards the door, which he holds open for you

'Thanks' you smile. 'Come on, it's only like five minutes to my house'

Harry sighs, and puts his car keys back in his pocket. 'But it's so hot, can't we go with my car?'

'No' you bit.

You enter your house, with Harry following you. You see your sister sitting on the couch. You walk in, followed by Harry. Her eyes widened when she sees Harry. Without saying anything, she stands up, and walks up the stairs. You sigh, this wasn't a good idea after all. You say to Harry;

'See what you did, wait here, i'll go talk to her' You say with a mean tone. But you regret if you see the hurt look on his face. You sigh, you're really not in the mood for drama right now.

You dash upstairs, where your sister is laid down on her bed, with her hands on her face. When she hear you come in, she mumbles from underneath her hands;

'Why have you brought him, and how did you find him, why are you doing this to me?'

'Hey, babe, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, Harry works at the café, in the kitchen. He said he really want to make it up to you, please give him one more chance. He's been really nice to me so far' I tried to convince her with a weak smile.

'Okay' I hear softly. She gets up slowly and starts to walk downstairs, where Harry is waiting with a hopefull look on his face.

'Right, I think you guys want to be alone for a bit, you can go to the living room, while I make sandwiches in the kitchen. Is that okay?' I tried, to get things going for a bit. They nodded and Harry closed the door behind him. I hope it works out, I thought.


HEY, I'm so sorry it still isn't interesting, BUT IT WILL BE THE NEXT CHAPTER, WHOOP WHOOP. KEEP READING PEEPS :)

xo, Veerle

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