The Beginning

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*In this story Emily is living with Piper Rockelle and Sophie Fergie.Piper invited her to come to the squad and she agreed. She met Jenzten a little while back and developed a crush and that's where the story starts. (This is based off 2020)  Have fun reading!*

*Emily's POV"
      I was driving to Pipers house. She had told me that I was joining the squad! Me and Piper have been friends for a while now. Since like 2017! I've met some of the squad. I've met Lev, Connor and Jenzten. I can't stop thinking about seeing Jenzten again! Not gonna lie I developed a little crush on him but I know he has a girlfriend so I try to push it in the back of my head.

      My thoughts were interrupted when the car came to a stop. I was there! I was gonna see Jenzten again! stop! I can't let this LITTLE crush grow. No way!

      I get out of the car and thank the Uber driver. I go up to the gate and text Piper that I'm there. I'm scared to go in! What if they don't like me! What if the girls don't wanna hangout with me!

       Just then my thoughts were interrupted by Piper running out the door. The squad all running out behind her. She ran up to the gate and pulled me into a tight hug. I see Jenzten run out the door last. We make eye contact but suddenly I was pulled into another hug by..... SOPHIE!

      My crushes girlfriend?!? Come on!! After a whole bunch of hugs from everyone I finally walk up to Jenzten. He pulls me into a hug and says:

       "Nice to see you Dobson. How are you feelin?" He pulls away and smiles.

        "I'm good. Just a little tired from the drive." I yawn.

         "I'll show you to your room so you can get some rest k?" He says in a comforting tone.

         "Ok thank you!" I smile back at him.

          "Of course!" He starts to walk inside so I follow him.

           We walk up the stairs and walk past two rooms one says "Piper" the other says "Sophie" we then come to a door that says "Emily". He opens the door for me. I walk in and plop on the bed. I turn around and smile at him. He smiles back and turns to leave but hesitates and turns    back around.

             "Ya know..I'm super happy your here." He says blushing a little.

              "Thanks." I smile. He turns away and leaves. I plop my head down and fall asleep thinking about what he just said. Wow hes happy I'm here!!!


Beginning to End -Jemily-Where stories live. Discover now