The Walk

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*Jentzens POV*

I woke up on the couch. Emily was laying on my chest still sleeping. Omg she's so pretty. I slowly got up and got water.

I went back and sat next to her feet on the couch. Shes still sleeping. Shes so cute when she sleeps. I just look at her. I am so happy I have her as a bestfriend. Even though I want to be more than that she'll never like me like that. I hope she didn't think I was weird for holding her hand TWICE yesterday.

Piper and Lev walked down the stairs and sat on the couch next to us.

"Hey! Finally you guys are awake!" Piper practically yells.

"Shhhh she's still sleeping!" I whisper yell at her.

"Ok ok!" She replies.

Emily's eyes slowly open.

"See you woke her up!" I laugh a little.

We all eat breakfast and chill in pipers room. We all we watching TV when I got an idea.

" You guys wanna go on a walk or somthin? Im bored!" I say.

"I'm to tired!!" Piper and Lev say at the same time. They start laughing.

"Sure" Emily smiles at me.

We left the house and started walking around the neighborhood. We were talking about random things.

"Oo I have a spot to take you!!" Emily says happily as she grabbed my hand and pulled me. She brought me to a bench that viewed over the whole city.

We sat down and continued to talk about random stuff. We made eye contact. I wanted to kiss her so bad. So I did. I kissed her.

Beginning to End -Jemily-Where stories live. Discover now