The Edits Roll In

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*Emily's POV*

Elliana and Jentzen have been dating for about a year now and I'm sorry but everyone ships me and Jentzen! There are so many edits on TikTok and YouTube. Jentzen and I have gotten so much closer and Elliana and him have been getting in so many fights lately. Don't get me wrong I feel bad but part of me is kinda happy about it.

I walk down stairs to get some food and sit down next to Piper at the table.

" Hey! How's it going?" I asked her.

" I'm good. How are you and Jentzen??" She asked slightly smirking at me.

"What are you talking about! He's dating Ellie! We're just friends!" I said blushing a little.

" Not for long.." she said popping a cherry in her mouth while standing up and walking to the fridge.

"Ya right!" I chuckle.

"Come on!! I know you like him! You've liked him since you first saw him" she said turning to face me.

I start to blush real hard.

"Mhm sureeee" I say looking down at my phone.

"Anywaysss. Wanna go get food? I'm hungry." She said.

"Uh yeah sure" I say as I'm literally texting Jentzen!!!

" Ooo who you textinggg??" She said creeping behind my shoulder.

"Noone" I say chuckling at his text

" Who's "cutie" haha!! Is that Jentzen!!!" She said shaking me.

" Maybe" I whisper.

"OMGG YAY" she said jumping up and down.

"He's coming to get food with us. But so is Elliana." I sigh.

" Ok!" She says excitedly.

*Jentzens POV*

I was headed towards the kitchen when I heard " are you and Jentzen??" From Piper! She was saying it to Emily!! I felt myself start to blush. Wait why am I blushing? Do I like Emily? No way. I like Ellie. Right?

Just then I get a text from Emily. She invited me to lunch but told me to bring Ellie if she wanted to go. I was super excited to go to be honest. But for Emily not Ellie...

Beginning to End -Jemily-Where stories live. Discover now