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*Jentzens POV*

I got to Emily. She pulled me into a hug. To be honest I'm kinda happy I caught Elliana cheating. I can get closer with Emily. She pulls away from the hug.

"Let's go home k?" She said in a reasurring tone.

"K." I say back smiling at her.

We went home and I didn't feel like filming. Neither did she d we just went up to her room and watched movies and YouTube. After a while a I started to get tired. I think she did too. Before I knew it I was sleeping.

*Emily's POV*

We went home and watched movies. I started to drift to sleep when suddenly Jentzen started to cuddle up to my chest. I was comfortable. I liked cuddling with him. But he probably didn't know he was doing it. I fall asleep.

*Emily's POV*

I woke up to knocking on my door. It was Piper. I don't know why she didn't just open the door and come in. I pretend to sleep. She walks in.

" You know you should answer the door more often. Anyways can I borrow like 5 dollars please?" She asked not looking from her phone.

"Hellllooooo!!" She said still not looking up.

As soon as she realized she was shocked.

"OMG! AWWW!" She whisper yelled at she ran out the door.

She came back with Lev he was just as shocked. They started to take pics of us. As soon as they left I fell back to sleep immediately.

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