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*Jentzens POV*

Hunters driving us  all to a restaurant. Elliana sitting next to me and Piper sitting next to her. Emily in the passenger seat beside hunter. I can't stop looking at her. She's so beautiful, kind, and just amazing in general. I'm starting to think I actually do like her. Though I do kinda feel bad for Ellie.


I look down at my phone. It wasn't mine it was.. Ellie's? From "Hayden<3". Who's Hayden?

"Ellie??" I say confused.

" Mhm?" She said not looking up from her phone.

" Who's Hayden ?"

"Huh? Noone." She said now actually looking up from her phone.

"K." I shrug it off thinking it's nothing.

We get to the restaurant and order our food. I get a call and head to the restroom and answer it.

"Hello??" I said.

" Hey it's mom. Just wanted to say I love you!" My mom replied.

"Oh love you too!" I said.

She hung up. I walk out of the bathroom. I see a couple making out in the way of the eating area.

" Excuse me. I need to get in the eating area."

"Oh sorry!" The girl said pausing and looking up at me. They moved out of the way so I could get through.

"Thanks" I say.

Wait is that... ELLIANA!!!!

**Sorry for the phone call thing I couldn't think of anything else so I just put that in hahah. Just saying this story is fictional and Elliana didnt cheat in real life**

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