The Fight 🩸

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*Emily's POV*

" Ya know Jentzen and Elliana have been gone for a while now. Should we check on them?" I ask Piper and hunter.

"They're probably making out or something." Hunter said chewing.

Piper kick him under the table.

" Let's go check on them" Piper says giving hunter a death glare.

"K." I reply not seeing the look shes giving hunter.

We walk over to the bathrooms. As we get closer we hear yelling and what seems like fighting. We give each other a look and start running to the bathrooms.

As soon as we get there I'm frozen in place. My jaw dropped. Jentzen was fighting another guy and Elliana was laughing as she just watched.

I snap back into reality and start yelling for them to stop.

*Jentzens POV*

"Wait.. Elliana?" I say turning back around.

"Wait Jentzen! It's not what it looks like! I promise!!" She says as she turns around and stop making out with the dude.

"Ya right! I literally just talked to you! How could you do this to me!" I said shocked.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Jentzen please! I love you!" She pleaded.

" Ya right! This must be Hayden!" I scoff.

"Yeah that's me! Who are you?" He says.

"I'm her boyfriend! Or I should say ex." I say looking at her with disgust.

Me and the guy argue for a while till I get fed up and start to walk away.

" Run run little baby!" The guy says.

I turned around and punched him. I had to get my anger out somehow and he was right there so I guess it was meant to be. Suddenly I hear yelling behind me. It was Emily. She was telling us to stop.

I stop fighting the guy and regain my balance. I went to Emily and just hugged her...

Beginning to End -Jemily-Where stories live. Discover now