[07]: The Green Goblin Attacks

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2023 Queens, New York

Peter and Amaya brought them back to Happy's apartment so they could start to work on their cures. "Where's Connors?" Peter asked his Aunt after everyone had filed in.

"He told me he wants to stay in the truck," May said.

"Okay," Peter said as he closed the door behind them, and then it automatically locked. "Hey, May," Peter whispered.

"Yeah?" May asked.

"I feel kind of bad using Happy's place like this," Peter said, and Amaya laughed a little while May shook her head.

"No, no, no. He'll get over it." May said, and Amaya laughed a little more. Max turned on the TV while Flint sat on the couch, spreading sand everywhere.

"Oh, sorry," Flint said as he tried to wipe it away, but that created more sand.

"So this is your plan, Peter, hm? No lab, no facilities? Just performing miracles in a  condominium, hm? What, are you gonna cook us some cures and frozen burritos in a microwave?" Otto asked.

"I could go for a burrito," Norman said.

"They're going to kill us all." Otto snapped back.

"Well, let's hope not. Or else we pissed off a wizard for nothing." Amaya said as they started to walk past Otto, who still had his tentacle wrapped around him because Peter's suit was technically still in control of it.

"You're up first, Doc," Peter said as he tapped Otto's shoulder.

"What?" He said as he turned around. "Hey, I told you. I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing!" He yelled as Amaya and Peter walked into the other room. "Especially by two teenagers using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer," Otto said as Max approached.

"Nah, nah, nah. He got something back there. I can feel it. That weird energy." Max said as they all followed the couple into the backroom as Peter pulled the sheet off of what Happy had been hiding here.

"What the hell is that?" Norman asked.

"It's a fabricator. It can analyze, design, construct basically anything." Peter said as he pushed the button to power it up.

"I thought that was the tanning bed Happy broke," May said, and Amaya cracked a smile. Her smile faded a little when she saw the arc reactor. Her thoughts momentarily drifted to Tony, but she shook her head as she thought of a way to use it.

She could find a fix for Max.


While Peter was working with Norman Osborn on a fix for Doc Ock, Amaya worked on a cure for Max. Peter shouted that he was finished, and he figured it out, and he ran out to the main room where everyone else was. Amaya released the tentacles and sent Doc Ock toward the balcony while Peter ran up there.

"You keep your science fair project away from me!" Otto said.

"It'll work. Have faith." Norman said.

"Says the reckless fool who turned himself into a monster!" Otto snapped back.

"Please stop moving your head," Peter said as he tried to get Doc Ock to remain still. "Hold still," Peter said.

"Don't you dare!" Otto snapped. Using one hand and a bit of his strength, Peter held Otto's head in place while using his other hand to implant the new chip. "I swear, when I get out of this, we're gonna rip you a new...-" He cut off once Peter implanted the chip and then slumped over.

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