We are not moving out sister

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"We are leaving"Jungkook said.

"But you said you are leaving tomorrow to my best of my knowledge.Didn't you?"Mrs.Jeon said.

"Well yes,but we want to leave"Jungkook said.

" All I need to know is why?"Mrs.Jeon shouted at his son.

"I already told you" Jungkook said.

Jungkook doesn't wanna get into an argument again so he left to his room...their room...

~time skip~

"Will you open the door?before I break it?" Jungkook said standing on one side.

"No I won't,it's just waste of your time,You can leave"Jihyo said standing on the other side,broken.

"But how can I leave?when I didn't bid a bye to you?"Jungkook asked his sister.

" You wanna bid a bye?Okay,bye bye brother.Fine?"Jihyo asked,well all came to know something is wrong with her.

"Open the door,jihyo.I wanna speak to you" Jimin said to jihyo.

"I am sorry,but I am just not ready to speak to anyone." Jihyo said.

"Open the door,Me and jimin will talk to you and then let's decide what to do" Jungkook said pleadingly.

Door opened....

They can see jihyo..pale,weak,thin,eyes swollen...Seeing this all got shocked...

"Did you cry?" Mrs.Jeon asked.

"Yes" Jihyo replied.

"But why?" Mr.Jeon asked.

"I opened door to talk to you both?and with you both directing towards Mr and Mrs Jeon,I will talk to you too don't worry...but not now...Can we go in now?" Jihyo asked looking at the two young couples...

They both nodded their heads and gone inside...

"Tell me what do you wanna speak?" Jihyo broke that awkward silence.

"Why did you cry?" Jungkook asked jihyo.

"Why do you care?" Jihyo said."if this is the question or this is the topic you both can leave now"jihyo said not wanting to look at their eyes.

"Look at our eyes and speak jihyo" Jimin said.

"No I can't." Jihyo said eyes filled with tears...

"Why?" Jungkook asked his sister not wanting to believe what his heart is saying...

"Just I don't want too" Jihyo replied still looking down.

"Jihyo,look at-" Jimin and jungkook got cut-off by jihyo...

"Because,if I look I will cry"jihyo shouts with tears filled in her eyes.

Jihyo covered her eyes looking down

"Shhh,it's okay" Jimin hugged her comforting her.

"Why were you crying?" Jungkook asked her.

"Lemme tell you a story...There was a girl who loved her brother so much,she loves to annoy him so much.One day,she got a news that her brother is going to marry someone.She was happy to hear that news but if she takes her parents they weren't convinced about the bride,because he is in wheelchair.But know what?She and her brother will be the happiest person knowing that bride is soft,can't walk or run.Wanna know why?because they can protect him from every struggles he is facing.And suddenly she heard the news her brother and bride is going to leave the house.Hearing this her heart was broken,stabbed but still putting up smile on her face,so that they will believe I am happy.But know what?they believed I am happy while I am here broken and couldn't able to think anything."Jihyo finished her story,looking at her brother and brother in law.

jungkook and jimin started to tear up when they heard the story knowing that it is jihyo,jimin,jungkook and jeons.They were amazed how many things their sister hid from them putting up a smile.

"We are not going.Okay?"Jimin said.

" No it's okay if you wanna go you can still go."Jihyo said feeling guilty.

"No,we are not going" Jungkook said.

"Why should we go?it means we are afraid of them.We are not,Me and my sister we both are one team,we will protect My husband and her brother in law together" Jungkook said regretting his decision.

"Thank you" Jihyo said.

"Smile?" Jimin said.

At this time jihyo forgot how to smile,she is trying her best to curve her lips but seems like her lips won't curve.

"Now I will make your lips to curve" Jungkook said and started to tickle her.

"Ok-okay en-enough i-I wi-will sm-smi-smile" Jihyo said in between her laughs.

•to be continued•

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