i love you

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As day passes they both got confused about their feelings for each other....like their heart act weird around each other...


Aishhhhh if it goes like this i really wont focus on work!!!!!i have to figure it out

then i called jihyo because she would be the only person who helps me....i dialed jihyo's number without thinking much...

"yeoboseyo"Jihyo said.

"Jihyo are you free?now?"Jungkook asked expecting the answer would be yes.

"I am sorry oppa...I'm out with jimin oppa.Anythimg important?"Jihyo said making Jungkook frown at the statement OUT WITH JIMIN.

"hello?"Jihyo repeated.

"ahh!yes!!!no no nothing important...just wanted to speak!"Jungkook said.


"Now who will i ask help for?"he mumbled to himself...

"maybe tzuyu?"he then dialed tzuyu hoping that she will be free

"YEOBOSEYO"she shouted on the phone call because of the frustration.

"huh?hello tzuyu...i am Jungkook!are you free now?"Jungkook asked in hopeful voice.

"ahhh!yes i am!i will come to your house?"tzuyu said.

jungkook choked after hearing what she said...."ahhh!no...can you come to amusement park?"jungkook offered

"ummm...yeah sure!i will be there in 10 mins"tzuyu and hung up the call.


"oppa?"tzuyu called."is everythimg fine?why did you called me?"tzuyu completed asking the question.

"yeah everything is fine!it's about me and jimin"he said scratching his neck!

"what about you both?"tzuyu asked both sitting in table.

"i actually wanted to know about my feelings to-tow-towards him"jungkook said."i know it is not correct to talk about your brother to yourself but i dont have any other option...i called jihyo but she's out with jimin...thats why i called you"jungkook continued.

"that's okay oppa!can you be more specific?like how you feel towards him?like joy or shy or something like that?"tzuyu managing the conversation so that it wont be awkward to both of them...

"i feel something like somethimg umm....like when he comes near to me or smile at me when i give him morning kisses i get something weird in my stomach and my heart its nothing but a marathon beat!!!!"jungkook explaining..

"you ever got jealous when he's talking to any girl or a guy?"tzuyu asked

"he never talk to others....you know he is an introvert"jungkook said.

"yeah i know but still when he talks to his friend?"tzuyu asked

"i never saw him talking to his friends-"he was cut off by tzuyu.

"you have to speak to him first like things wont work if youre at office whole day...he will just get more lonely...look imma not speak about this but he needs love okay?and i know you can give him that love"tzuyu completed smiling at jungkook.

"yeah...thanks though"jungkook said with smile and bid their goodbyes and left to their home.

time skip


Its been months since i met them.But here i am infront of my parent's home to meet them.

without any second thoughts i just knocked door only to get a hug from my mother!!!!oh man!!!!i really missed her hugs!!!!

"come in jimin"Mrs.Park invited him.

"where is tzuyu?"Jimin asked.

"oh she went to meet someone!"his mom reasoned.

"she didn't inform you even?"jimin asked raising his eyebrows.

"she actually fought with me she would have informed the maid here so no need to worry"his mom reasoned again.

"she actually went to meet jungkook Mr.Jeon"a maid told him to which jimin nodded.

i actually wish to just get out of here and shout just because she addressed me as MR.JEON!!!like MAN!!!

"so sweetie?may i know the reason why you came here?"his thoughts were interrupted by his mother.

"just to meet you and eat dinner with you?"jimin replied.

"ahhh okay!!!"



after having a conversation with tzuyu jungkook just confirmed his feelings he is really in love with jimin but he made sure if he was rejected he will just accept and not force jimin to confess his feelings..

then jungkook went to their room only to visit clean room and things in its own place.

"where is jimin?"jungkook asked to jihyo trying to hide his fear..

"i dont know!i thought he is in the room"jihyo said.

now he started to get panic and ran out of his room taking his car keys and started to search everywhere...

first he went to amusement park then to library then to lake then to beach now he is nowhere to be found jungkook was already tired then he just kneeled down like things are not in his control so he just kneeled and cried his heart out

some hand placed on jungkook's shoulder.

"why are you crying?hyung?"a boy who is 5 i guess?

"huh?i am not crying"jungkook replied

the little boy hugged him again!and continued"i cry when i lost something i love too but i will have the hope that the thing which i missed will come back again!have some hope and find yours big man!!!"

"awww thank you little man!!!"they both hugged and bid their goodbyes.

then he cursed himself for not checking in his parent's house....


then there he is my cute little man sleeping....awwwwwwwwww.......

"oh!youre here!i'll wake him up!"his mom said

"huh?no no eomma i will wake him by myself"jungkook then approached the cute little man.

"jimin baby"he shaked his shoulder"we gotta go"then they bid their goodbye


they came to their room and when jimin was about to get fresh up he was dragged by strong hands and within he had the chance to ask what...his lip was met with jungkook's...

one who is giving it in passionate way the other confused absolutely but returned the kiss...

"i love you"

hello everyone how are you?

@shakilak01 here is an update!!!!

hope you guys enjoyed!!!!

thanks for voting and commenting...


and forgive me for the mistakes i have done...i am not using my phone to update...i am seriously sorry about this thing!!!!

Edit:I know they already proposed but they were still confused with their feelings after confessing their love so this chapter after sorting out their confused feelings...

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