I love you

910 39 1

"Jimin I haven't completed yet...I will speak first...As I am saying I am sorry...Sorry for not protecting you...Sorry for leaving you alone...Sorry for not taking care of you...Sorry for letting you to fight all your battles alone..."Jungkook took jimin's hand...

"Today, tomorrow,forever I am gonna hold your hand and stay with you no matter what comes between us we know our relationship is more stronger than the thing coming between us"Jungkook said...

"I LOVE YOU JIMINAH,my lovely husband"Jungkook completed.

Jimin was in tears...he couldn't reply...he replied after Jungkook hugging him...

"I love you too...Thanks for loving me,supporting me and making me happy as you always do"Jimin completed...

Everybody in that room is in tears...Jimin,Jihyo,Tzuyu,Jungkook everyone...

"Okay we will leave...Bye..take care"Tzuyu and Jihyo left...leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone...

"I wanna go home hyung"Jimin said with a pout...

"But doctor said you have to take rest in hospital for 2-"Jungkook was cut off by Jimin.


"No,you have to-"Jungkook was again cut-off by Jimin


"I mean no you have to-"Jungkook was again cut off by Jimin.


"No it's hours pabo"Jungkook said mockingly...

"YOU MEAN 2 HOURS?EATING THIS HOSPITAL FOOD?LOOKING AT THIS WHITE WALLS?"Jimin started to ask questions to his hyung...

"Then,look at me..you won't get bored...even time flews very fast you know?"Jungkook said mockingly.

"Pervert"Jimin said...

"Huh?who is pervert?"

"It's you pervert."Jimin said...

"No I am not,it's not me"Jungkook said...

"Yahhh!!!if I could be able to sit you would've got a nice slap from me"Jimin said...

"No I would not..."Jungkook said...

"How are you feeling now?"Doctor asked...

"Yeah better doctor..."Jimin replied...

"I wanna take some tests...You can wait outside Mr.Jeon"(it is Jungkook and not his father😂)

"Yeah,sure"Jungkook left..

"I actually wanna say you something Mr.Park-"Doctor was cut-off by Jimin...

"It's Jeon doctor..No more park"Jimin said with a smile...

"Sorry Mr.Jeon...as I was saying...You are so lucky to have him as your husband...because you don't know how he shouted all the way here just because you fainted...You don't know how much worried he is about you...share every single thing with him Jimin...you can trust him he is trustworthy...That 12 hours when you are unconscious only your sister and sister-in law know the count of his walking...it's 2321 walks front and back...he is just loving you so much...and about why you had breathing problem is because of your stress...I will try my best to cure you and I hope you can walk in future...Take care okay?And don't forget that you are lucky to have him as your husband"Doctor completed..

"Sure doctor"Jimin said...

"You can discharge now...take care and remember everything I said okay?"Doctor said

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