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Suddenly the door opened

"Why are you here?"Jungkook asked the person voice clearly annoyed.

"Jungkook,it is not the way you talk to your parents"A voice said.

"Parents who tried to kill their own daughter,who tried to kill my husband,A PERSON WHOM I OWN"Jungkook said trying his best to control his anger.

"That's not why we are here"Mrs.Jeon said.

"My first question was 'WHY ARE YOU HERE?'Mrs.Jeon"Jungkook said.

"That's not how you should speak to your own mother kid"Mr.Jeon said.

"Oh!here we have the so called father of mine!I really doubt are you my real fath-"


And everyone who is thinking about where is Jimin he is downstairs making lunch for Jungkook.

"Slap me how much ever you want!IDC!"Jungkook said still annoyed."The only truth is you don't love me"Jungkook spatted the truth.

He can't pretend anymore.Pretending that he is having loving parents.He is not like a normal kid ofcourse.He can't lean on their parents when he is having problem.

Jimin enters.

"I can't pretend!I can't pretend that you really do love me!I really can't!You chose money over me then why you've to act like you really love me?Those six months you know how hard it was for me?I was nearly dead mom!I literally thought you'll call me and ask me sorry but you just knocked my door and left.But that doesn't mean every mistake is yours!that's my childhood mom i will do make chaos but you both should be there to correct me you both should've told me this is right and this is wrong but then when i turn back you both aren't there for me.You called relatives to our house you said them to go talk to me but why you weren't there?Okay that's okay!That's my childhood let's leave it what about my studies?When i wanna choose science group you told me to choose commerce.When i told you i wanna be psychologist you told me to choose business.You never asked me what i love!That is why i decided to go against you in this marriage.No matter what i believed Jimin can love me and yes he did.He is still doing.He is my another parent.You know what?When i was doing work i will complete every work just to get "well done my son" but you made me to overwork!But now when i do overwork he is there to scold me.He is there when i am sad eventhough i show him i am not he is there to tell me "spit it out" and i am happy the way i am!!!"Jungkook paused for a second catching breath he is crying all this time.Jimin ran towards him and held him."it's okay baby i am fine"he said looking jimin.After catching his breath he continued."I AM HAPPY THAT I HAVE JIHYO,TZUYU AND LOVING HUSBAND IN MY LIFE AND YOU BOTH EVER DARE TO TOUCH OR TRY TO KILL THEM I AM DAMN SURE MR. AND MRS.JEON I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET BREATHING.I JUST CAN'T GET PARENT'S LOVE BUT NOW I AM GETTING LOVE NO ONE CAN EVER GET.NOW JUST FUCKING LEAVE MY ROOM!"Jungkook shouted and closed his eyes so that he can prevent his tears falling.

They left after hearing his son's words.Regret?Yes!Clearly seen in their eyes!but still they left.

"You can cry!i am here to hold you"Jimin told and soon he was there to hug Jungkook so tight.

"It's okay!i am here!don't worry"Jimin comforted."Glad that you let it out"Jimin said.

It's new for him to see this side of Jungkook.He never cries infront of him.Everything today is different.

"I will be back"Jimin said and left.

Jimin came with food tray.

"Now eat this!"Jimin said.

"Won't you feed me?"Jungkook said with pouty eyes.

"Aish!fine!don't pout now"Jimin said and fed him.

Time skip

"How's your fever now?"Jungkook asked.

"Hyung!i am seriously fine!this is 30th time you're asking the same question"Jimin said voice clearly annoyed.

"So?I am annoying you?"Jungkook asked.

"Aish!really?i didn't say anything!"Jimin said side hugging Jungkook.

Door opens aggressively

"Aish YAHHH!!!PABO!!!HOW DARE YOU DIDN'T HAVE YOUR BREAKFAST?YOU FAINTED RIGHT?"Jihyo literally shouting and beating him.

"Aren't you gonna save me?"Jungkook asked Jimin.

"Huh?I have to give these thank God that she's giving!"Jimin said sarcastically.

"Fine!I am sorry I'll eat!i promise!"Jungkook said calming Jihyo.

"Don't skip your food okay?"Jihyo said and left.

Hey readers

Spoiler:Smut chapter ahead!

Let's end this story!

Saranghae 💜

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