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"Jimin...Jimin"Jungkook shouted with that Jimin fainted.

"Doctor"Jungkook shouted all the way until he sees someone wearing white coat and stethescope in his neck.

"Please save him.He is the only person i have"Jungkook pleaded.

A/N:Mr.Choi is the doctor who is treating Jimin

"Okay I'll check him"Mr.Choi said."Nurse take him to treatment room"Mr.Choi completed his sentence.

With that they gone to treatment room....

Time skip

Doctor came out..

"What happened doctor?"Jungkook rushed doctor to ask this.

"Congratulations Mr.Jeon he's pregnant"Doctor said with a smile.

A/N:everyone came to hospital....including Jimin's family

Everyone is happy but there's only one person in the room who's confused.

Jungkook pov:

I rushed to doctor to ask how's Jimin he came with a smile which satisfied me somewhat.

"Congratulations Mr.Jeon he's pregnant"Doctor said.

This made me confused like we haven't done it yet how can he become pregnant already????🙄

End of Jungkook pov

"Mr.Kang he isn't patient's husband he is Mr.Jeon he is Jimin's husband...Yeong-Su's husband is right there"Mr.Choi explained to Mr.Kang.

"Ahhh!!!!i am sorry Mr.Jeon...i thought you as Yeong-Su's husband....sorry for the misunderstanding..."Mr.Kang said and left.

"I am sorry for the misunderstanding....you can come inside."Mr.Choi said to Jungkook.

"What happened doctor?"Jungkook asked not caring about the misunderstanding happened juz before.

"He couldn't able to breathe because of wheezing problem he faced while he was young...and he fainted because before that let me ask you a question"Mr.Choi said

"Yes doctor?"Jungkook replied

"Is he eating well?"Mr.Choi asked

Jungkook kept quiet.

"you seem like you care about him alot i guess i am right...but he isn't eating well that's why he fainted...but it's nothing serious... we'll discharge him tomorrow"Mr.Choi completed.

"Thank you doctor...I will take care of him....Can i go meet him?"Jungkook asked.

"Not now mr.jeon he needs rest...but he'll be up within 1 hour and then you can go meet him"Mr.Choi said.

"Okay doctor"Jungkook said and bowed to the doctor and left.

After 45 mins...

Jungkook pov

I am confused only word that is lingering in my head is "He might have faced wheezing when he was young"

If i try asking it to eomma then i would get answer..

"Eomma,Jimin faced anything like wheezing when he was young?"Jungkook asked to Mrs.Park.

"Huh?No wh-"Mrs.Park is cutted off...

"Yes"Tzuyu said.

Now damn!!!!i am even more confused!!!!

Everyone is shocked by the answer tzuyu gave.

End of Jungkook pov

"Tzuyu,it's not the time to prank"Mrs.Park said.

"I'm not pranking mom...i am stating the truth you don't know"Tzuyu said

"You say i don't know?i am his mom!!!for god's sake tzuyu"Mrs.Park shouted at hospital

"Since when mom?"Tzuyu asked.


It was Mr.Park who gave slap..

Jungkook eyed Jihyo to take care of tzuyu and take her to home...

Now not tzuyu or Mrs.Park or Mr.Park can give me the answer my mind is keep on asking the only one who will answer is JIMIN

Time skip

Jimin pov

My head is throbbing like hell.I couldn't able to see clearly...my eyes were blur but i forced myself to see where i am...and then i looked at white walls,heart rate monitor and then i realised i am in hospital but why?But then i remember I'm having wheezing problem...

And then i searched for Hyung...i know if i call now he wouldn't hear me so i tried to look for someone in room itself...

Thankfully a nurse is in room...i guess she haven't notice that i woke up because she's doin some work maybe?

"Excuse me?"i called her.

End of Jimin pov

"Sir...are you alright?you need something?I'll go call doctor now..."She said without taking a break

"Also call Jungkook..please"Jimin said...she nodded and left.

"Who is Jungkook here?"Nurse asked.

"I am"Jungkook said.

"He's calling you"Nurse said.

When Jungkook was about to go inside Mrs.Jeon followed him too..

"I am sorry mam but only one person can meet him..."Nurse said.

Mrs.Jeon nodded and nurse bowed and left to call doctor.

"How are you feeling now?Are you okay?"Jungkook asked while walking towards him.

"Yes...i am somewhat okay now but my head is paining that's it"Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded.

"You've wheezing?"
"I am having wheezing hyung"

They both spoke in unison...

Jungkook nodded
Jimin eyes widened

"yeah i know it doctor told me already"Jungkook said.

Jimin nodded

"So?"Jungkook said.

"So?"Jimin asked.

"Did you eat your lunch?"Jungkook asked.

Only silence filled the room

"What about breakfast?"Jungkook broke the silence.

He was silent again.

"The answer is yes then?"Jungkook asked.

"Look baby"Jungkook cupped Jimin's face"If you're thinking that the reason behind my cold is you then absolutely not...it's because of the rain and if i take rest then I'll be okay...you really shouldn't worry and skip your food okay?"Jungkook completed and kissed his forehead.

"I am sorry to disturb but I'll check him and leave"Mr.Choi told making the couple to blush hard.

"Su-sure doctor"Jungkook stuttered.

To be continued

Hey lovelies

It's me again...i am getting some free time that's why I'm uploading stories..

And i am sorry if I made you to wait long...

Thanks for supporting me...

Saranghae 💜

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