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After doctor checked Jimin and left...

Everyone came to meet Jimin and ask him how he's feeling...

Jungkook is just looking how beautiful Jimin is and how he is smiling while talking with Jihyo and Tzuyu all this time

"Let's go"Jihyo whispered to Tzuyu..Jimin is actually confused why they both were suddenly leaving...

"Staring is rude man!!!"Jimin suddenly said to Jungkook.

"What is wrong in staring my husband though?"Jungkook asked.

Jimin blushed..

Time skip

"You heard the news?"Jihyo asked to Jungkook.

"What is it?"Jungkook asked looking at Jimin whether he knows what Jihyo is trying to tell.

"Nayeon unnie is pregnant"Jihyo told with smile.

A/N:Nayeon is Jungkook's and jihyo's cousin.

Jungkook and Jimin were happy after hearing this news but somehow Jimin zoned out thinking whether he could get pregnant or not.

"They're throwing party it seems i don't know when but i think it's on Sunday.Sunday in the sense day after tomorrow"Jihyo completed.

"Okay...We'll be there"Jungkook said.He noticed Jimin zoning out.

"Okay..then i am leaving"Jihyo ssa and left.

"Are you alright?"Jungkook asked.

"Yes I am"Jimin replied not wanting Jungkook to bother about this topic.

"Sure?"Jungkook asked because he is not good after hearing the news.

"Yea"Jimin replied.

"Fine!I am leaving to office then!take care!make sure you eat okay?"Jungkook said to which Jimin nodded.

Time skip

At 11:30PM

Jimin pov:

Usually Jungkook would be at home by 8 but i don't know what is making him to take this long.

Jimin waited for Jungkook with coffee.

End of Jimin pov

Someone opened the door without making noise so that people in house would not wake up...

"You want water hyung?"Jimin asked making Jungkook to jump a little.

"Why are you awake?you already know it's 11:45"Jungkook asked.

"Thank you for letting me know that it's 11:45 i was just waiting for you"Jimin replied.

"Don't wait for me anymore"Jungkook said.

"You mean?"Jimin asked.

"I mean if i come late you no need to stay up...I am sorry that I didn't inform you"Jungkook said.

Time skip

"Congratulations unnie"Jihyo said as she hugged nayeon.

"Congratulations"This time it is Jungkook who hugged her

"Thank you"Nayeon said.

"Congratulations"Jimin said confused what to call her.

"It's unnie"Jungkook said.

"Yea thanks! Congratulations unnie"Jimin continued.

"Awwwiieee thank you jiminie"Nayeon hugged him.

Jimin broke the hug.

Everyone was enjoying the party except one.He doesn't like to come here at all.He knew if he go there he would doubt himself about getting pregnant!

"There's something bothering you i know...please do let me know when we get home okay?"Jungkook whispered to which Jimin just nodded.

He is actually smiling as well as embarassed like he's embarassed because he can't even hide his sadness his face is showing every emotion he is feeling but he got a smile when he realised he got someone who cares about him.

Time skip

"So?"Jungkook asked after entering their room

"So?"Jimin asked

"Spit it out.You know what i am talking about"Jungkook said.

Yes Jimin knows what he is talking about.

"What if we can't create a family?You will hate me for that right?You will be ashamed to call me as your husband right?"

"Wrong!"Jungkook said."I will never hate you at first.You are someone i am really loving"Jungkook continued.

"But what if i can't get pregnant?"Jimin asked.

"Then let's just live for each other"Jungkook replied.

"You aren't understanding it hyung"Jimin said.

"No you aren't understanding!i am stating the truth!We still have time we just got married for 2 months Jimin!She got pregnant because she was married for 1 year"Jungkook said"But if you really want child i am ready!"Jungkook said.

"Pervert"Jimin replied.

Jungkook chuckled"It's okay!don't think much okay?we still have time"

And this is the main reason Jimin loves about Jungkook he always thinks about Jimin he always care about Jimin.

To be continued

I don't know what to write if i have to be honest!

I'll just write a better chapter next time😀😂

Thanks for reading

Saranghae 💜

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