Important work

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A/N:hey everyone!!!!how have you been?hope everything is's new chapter and also check out the previous chapter i have added some more story there😁

At 12AM

* thunder *

*Searches for someone*

*Bed empty*

*Goes out*

"Why aren't you sleeping?doing any works?"Jimin asked to Jungkook who is working...

"Yeah... tomorrow i have a important meeting I'm preparing presentation for it"Jungkook replied.

"And you gonna explain the presentation in sleepy voice?"Jimin asked him

"No*chuckles*Anyways!!!!what got you here?"Jungkook asked him..


Jimin jumps a little

"This one*points thunder*it's not letting me to sleep"Jimin answered him.

And again Jungkook is falling in love with his cuteness...

"I'll come and go sleep"Jungkook said

"So you won't come?okay!!!!fine do whatever you want!!!"Jimin said and left

Jungkook runs and backhugs jimin

" baby is angry now?"Jungkook asked

"Yeah!so what u r gonna do?"Jimin replied

"Now can you both please leave and do ur romance in ur room?"Jihyo said...

"No I'll do whatever to him!"Jungkook said and continued"I'll hug him*hugs him*I'll carry him*carries him*I'll kiss him*goes to kiss him**but stops suddenly*"

It's just awkward environment between three...two in their own world and one not knowing what to do but just clears her throat...


Jimin ran out of embarrassment

"You shouldn't have ruined that moment though....he's already shy cat!"Jungkook said.

"Oh!look!who's upset that he couldn't able to kiss his husband and about shy cat it's your problem!"Jihyo said

"I am not!nw go to sleep mockingbird!"Jungkook said and left.

Jihyo just chuckles and goes inside with her wheelchair.

"Jimin?"Jungkook called him

"Yes?"Jimin replied

"Where are you?"Jungkook asked him

"I'm in the dressing room give me a second!"Jimin said

"Okay!"Jungkook said and waited patiently

"Yeah!what is it?"Jimin asked while coming out.

"Are you angry?"Jungkook asked him

"About what?*sudden realisation*Yes i am now move!!!i have to sleep!!!you sleep or don't it's clearly your wish!!!"Jimin said and tried to push Jungkook but Jungkook held his hand and they both fell in the bed Jimin at the top of Jungkook...

Jimin suddenly realises and gets up from Jungkook!

"I am sorry"both said in unison!


"I am sorry!I'll come you sleep"Jungkook said and left

Jungkook going where he kept his laptop open and his presentation half completed!

Jungkook smiling at the incident happened just before few mins...

He closed his laptop and about his presentation he don't know when he will complete

When he returns again!!!the room is empty

Jungkook sighs and again asks him "Where are you now?"

"I am sorry i am in the balcony it's raining here don't com-"Jimin was cutted off when Jungkook came with blanket and backhugs him...

"I said you not to come you'll catch cold if you stay here you've presentat-"Jimin is again cutted off by Jungkook

"I am sorry"Jungkook said

"Why is your sorry suddenly coming though?"Jimin asked him with confused look

"I am sorry that i am not taking care of myself and overworks everytime"Jungkook said.

"Now you have realised?So all i am saying is don't work too late at night!!!okay?"Jimin said.

"Okay!"Jungkook said and they both become silent...

Hey readers i am back with new chapter!!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

Saranghae and thanks for voting and loving my story!

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