Hyung,are you okay?

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"Hyung,I wanna tell you something"Jimin said.

"Yes?"Jungkook asked.

"What's the matter Jungkook?I saw you running to your room...Is there anything?here mattered to you more than me?"Mrs.Jeon asked.

"Nothing mom..."Jimin answered.

"Mm...Come let's eat...everyone is waiting for you..."

They ate their dinner silently and went to sleep...

At midnight...

"Leave him alone....Mrs.Park...Kill me instead...you want me right?let him go...he has his own family"Jimin is speaking in the middle of sleep.

"No....Leave him alone....Jungkook....Hyung"Jimin started to shout.

"What happened jiminah?Are you okay?What happened?"Jungkook started to get panic...

"Hyung...hyung...are you okay hyung?"Jimin started to get panic.

"Yeah I am okay"Jungkook said."What happened?"Jungkook asked him.

"No nothing...Just sleep next to me..Please hyung"Jimin pleased him.

Without asking any further questions he said okay and slept together.

At morning

I couldn't able to open my eyes...I was shocked when I saw Jungkook sleeping next to me so peacefully,with his hands on my waist and another one on my head...I tried to escape from his hold but it's more stronger than I expected..


"Hyung..."Jimin called his name.

"Hm..."He was talking in the middle of sleep.

"Hyung,I wanna go...leave me please"Jimin asked.

"5 mins I will wake up"Jungkook said.

Then suddenly Jungkook got out of the bed...

"I am sorry..if I made you uncomfortable"Jungkook said..

"No,it's okay..You can sleep.."Jimin said.

"Wait...I will help you"Jungkook said

"Thanks..You can go sleep,I will take care..."

"Are you sure?"Jungkook asked him.

"Yeah,I am sure"Jimin assured him.

At 11 A.M

"I am going to work...Jiminah...take care okay?don't go outside okay?I mean you can but not alone"Jungkook said to him.

Jungkook doesn't want to ask about the nightmare he had yesterday,because he knew it will just make him more uncomfortable...if he feel comfortable,he will tell him..

"Hyung?are you okay?"Jimin shakes him..."why are you dozing off?"

"Huh?nothing...I will take care"Jungkook said him..

"Are you sure hyung?"Jimin asked him.

"Yeah,I am..take care...bye"Jungkook said and left.

At office

"Why can't you just do the work?Why are you making me angry?even when I explained it thousand times?Jungkook was shouting at his employee.

It's new for the employees to see this side of Jungkook.Because whatever the mistake maybe he will teach them but today was exactly opposite.

Jungkook went outside...not outside of the cabin...outside of the office...

Now he is confused where to go..He decided to go to his home...

At his house...

"Why did you come home very soon?"Mr.Jeon asked.

"To-"Jungkook was cut off by his mother.


"Yeah,why did you come home very soon?shouldn't you be at office rn?"Mrs.Jeon was shouting at him.

"Jihyo"Jungkook shouted.

"Jihyo went to college"Mr.Jeon said..

"Leave me alone"Jungkook said and left to upstairs...

A/N:No,their room is not in upstairs...he just gone to balcony to get some fresh air and still Jimin doesn't knew Jungkook is home because he is in library and whatever they shout a person who is in library won't hear them...

At evening...

"Jiminah...Your husband came home soon you know?"Jihyo asked him..

"Shut up Jihyo,it's not even his time to return to home...he will be at home like 8 or 9... don't prank"Jimin said to Jihyo thinking that she is pranking him.

"No..I am serious,he is in balcony...I just now saw him and came...You don't know he came?"Jihyo asked him.

"No,I don't..I didn't see him coming or searching for me so I thought he is at office"Jimin explained..

Then he closed the book he was reading and ran out to see Jungkook.

Hey readers..

Thank you for reading...

Next part will be released today...

Saranghae 💜

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